Types of morale and factors that affect Employee morale
What is morale?
Morale can be defined as a condition of the brain or the attitude of the groups and the individuals that identify their intention to work and maintain co-operation among the employees. In other words, we can say that it is the phenomenon of the group that studies the attitudes that are favorable and unfavorable.
It is the human behavior that expresses the attitudes of the employees that are developed while working in the organization. It can be judged by the behavior, satisfaction level and feeling of well-being. It results in the work intention of the employees. In this article we will study the different types of morale:
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Article Summary
Employee morale is crucial to the success of any organization as it determines the level of employee engagement within an organization and the commitment of employees to their work and their organization. It is noteworthy that there are various external and internal factors that affect employee morale and all of these factors have been discussed in an intelligible way in this article along with their implications on the success of a given business organization. Furthermore, this article also establishes the correlation between employee morale and business success.
Group and individual morale
The individual morale is the attitude of a person towards his work and work environment. But the group morale represents the attitude of people working in an organization in general. It is the concerned point for everyone, and it also keeps on changing when the time passes. Both of them, individual and group morale and connected with each other internally but they might not be the same entirely. We can say that both of them affect each other. The perception of the individual on the current situation might be high, but the perception of the group might below.
High and low morale
Morale can also be referred to as high and low; there is high morale when the attitude of the employee is favorable to the situation, and he is willing to achieve his targets. On the other hand, low morale is there when the situations of the individual are not favorable to attain the objectives. High morale is denoted by terms like enthusiasm, morale, loyalty, and zeal, etc. Low morale is when the employee is pessimist, low confidence, low level of self-esteem, less interested and sluggish. If the morale of the employee is low, then steps should be taken to improve their morale. Low morale can hamper the way an employee works. It will reduce the quality of work hence; steps should be taken to enhance employee morale.
Motivation related to morale
These two things are related to each other, and they denote the different types of attitudes in the working environment. Motivation can be better describes as a feeling that energizes a person for work and also helps to satisfy his demands. It often revolves around the incentives of the individuals working in an organization and on the other hand, the morale describes the willingness to co-operate. Morale is a phenomenon related to the group, but motivation is the readiness of the individual to work. It is related to the combination of certain factors that operate at work, but the level of motivation is only referred to like the job. It also helps in boosting, and the mobilization of energy and morale is concerned with mobilizing feelings.
Productivity related to morale
It reflects the behavior of the employees towards the work which has a direct bearing on the productivity of the individual. It is to the view of some of the authors that morale has no direct connection with productivity. But high morale often leads to high productivity and vice-versa. We can say that there is a positive relationship between these two.
Here are some factors that affect the morale of the employees:
The moral of the employees is a complicated term that is influenced by a number of things. We can discuss the ideas of some famous authors like Bradshaw, roach, and Applewhite that will help us to determine the factors that have an impact on the morale of the employees.
The organization is the first factor that affects the morale of the employees while working. It has a major influence on the attitude of the employees towards their work. It is the factor that is majorly responsible for building up the reputation of the organization in a better or worse way. If the organization provides a better working culture and facilities to the employees, then it will boost the organization’s reputation. An employee demand job security, better growth plans, career growth, development schemes, better salary, etc. if the organization provides all these, then it will attract more and more professional and great employees towards their organization.
Type of work
The second major effect on morale is of the nature of the work that the employees are expected to perform. If the employees are expected to perform the daily chores in the company, then they will feel tedious and bored. The repetition of the same task will make them feel bad, and it will bring down their morale for obvious reasons. Some other factors such as less productivity and no freedom at the workplace will also make them feel negative about the workforce. And if there is no understanding of the targets and common goals of the company, then it also has a negative impact on the morale of the employee.
Satisfaction level of the employees
The satisfaction level of the employees is another factor that has an impact on the satisfaction level of the employees. The factors at work if favorable according to the employees then their satisfaction level is high and if the unfavorable factors are high, then there would be more of dissatisfaction. There are certain factors that are the reasons for the high satisfaction level such as high job security, high opportunities to learn at work, stable work environment, good co-operation level, etc.
Supervision level at work
The supervision level of the employee has a great influence on the morale of the employees working in an organization. If the employees are leaving the job frequently, then it means that the leadership is not effective in the organization and on the other hand, if the employees are working for many years and are completely satisfied with their job then there is the perfect level of supervision. Employees do not want to be supervised all the time, and it also affects their quality of work.
Self-conception of the employees
The employee’s perception of himself is also a reason that affects his morale at a greater level. If the employee has a good level of confidence and have good health mentally and physically, then their concept for himself would be clear, and he would be more satisfied at work. But if he is weak physically and have a low level of confidence, then he would have a low level of morale.
Expectations from the organizations
Sometimes people have high expectations of the rewards and the benefits from the organization that increases their morale but if they do not get the benefits as per their perception, then their morale just goes down. If one feels satisfied with the bonus the company is offering, then he would like to work more for a longer time and his morale would be high also. But if the employees do not get the rewards as promised by the companies, they would have low morale and motivation level.
Age of the employees
It is also said that morale is directly related to the age of the employees. The employees that are older have a high level of morale and vice versa. The reason behind this is that young workers are less satisfied due to their high expectations. On the other hand, the employees with high age are more satisfied as they are quite mature and have more responsibilities which makes them loyal and they have less tendency to switch.
The education level of the employees
From the studies, we can say that the educational level and the morale of the employees have an inverse relationship with each other. If the employee has a high level of education, his satisfaction level will be quite low, and if the employee has a low level of education, he or she will be highly satisfied with his job. The higher the expectations, the more will be the dissatisfaction.
Occupational level of the employee
The occupation of the employees also influences the level of morale. If the employee has a higher position in the employee, his morale will be high and vice-versa. The people at low level tend to compare their positions, and their morale becomes low.
Employees off the job activity
The job of the employee is highly affected by his work and responsibilities towards his family, and it brings a change in their behavior also. In other words, we can say that if the family of the employee is satisfied and happy with his job, he will have high morale and vice-versa.
Thus, these were the factors that affect the behavior of the employees at his workplace, and they tend to have a high or low level of morale.
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Also, do read our blog on Ethical Dilemmas in Organisations.
What factors affect employee morale?
Work life balance, leadership, remote working, health and safety, nature of work, training and professional development opportunities, culture, etc. are important factors that influence employee morale at the workplace
What does staff morale mean?
Staff morale refers to the attitude, satisfaction and behavior of employees at the workplace which directly influence the level of productivity and performance of an organization.
What is morale in HRM?
Employee morale is generally defined as the outlook of the employees towards the organization. In broader terms it refers to the attitude, motivation and thoughts of the employees which pushes them to perform better.