Is homework the sculptor or obstruction to growth? Let's find out..
Fredie Brown | 12 Mar, 2020
Let's us ask you some questions about homework
Does homework bother you? Does the mere thought of doing homework make you feel restless? Do you think homework is a waste of time, energy and effort? Do you believe it puts an extra burden on your young developing mind?
If the answers to all the above questions is Yes, then this article is the perfect solution to all your worries. As educationists, we do understand that your fickle minded brain does find it tough to concentrate on studies. Moreover, being in a developing state, you often feel loaded with a huge amount of homework given by your school or college professors. Though there is no denying the fact that homework does put you in a troubled state many times, its advantages can not be ignored at all. In fact, the role of homework is highly crucial for the advancement, in the learning process of your respective study.
This piece of blog provides you a detailed history and importance of homework and why you should not procrastinate it any further.
What is Homework?
Homework is any task or assignment that is given by your school/ college teacher, to be done in your home premises. The range of topics generally revolve around the concepts done in the class. In other words, homework is given to make sure that you revise the work done in the class, after you reach back home. Its basic purpose is to help you strengthen your concepts of the course and provide you with a guided opportunity, to explore the topic further.
From the very beginning of your educational journey, you start getting homework from school. This is planned with the vision to train your brain with the practise of revising classwork at home. Also, the initialisation of homework from the early school days is done to double sure that you get along with the very practise and concepts of various subjects taught in school, by the teacher.
Completing your homework is generally a worrisome task, but not when we are there! At Assignmenthelp4me, we are available 24*7, to help you write your assignments with utmost perfection. You can easily depend upon our assignment help services and we promise to never disappoint you!
History of Homework
Homework has been as old as the concept of education, that's what we all have known. But, today through this blog, we are actually going to introduce the person who invented the homework. In fact, there are believed to be two scholars, who brought in the concept of homework, because of their strong beliefs in the power of education.

First, in 1905, Roberto Nevelis, an Italian educator started the practise of giving homework to his students, as a punishment. It is after that this practise started to show positive effects, giving homework to students became a regular practise throughout the whole world.
Secondally, in the 19th century, an educationist, Horace Mann, is known to have played a reformatory role in bringing the concept of homework into implementation. His interest in making public education a compulsory concept for the nation state of Germany along with his political aims worked as a catalyst for making homework a necessity in the field of education. This all happened in around 1843, when Horace Mann got introduced to Volksschulen- peoples school, and to the concept of homework, during his visit to Germany. He further introduced them in America.
A factual detail about homework
- In the early 1900 century in America, criticism against homework began. It was voiced by then popular publications Ladies Journal and The New York Times. It included statements given by parents and professionals from the medical fraternity who stated that homework has detrimental effects on the mental growth of the children.
- There have been homework bans in the state of California, where all the children under the age of 15 were free from homework and this stayed till 1917.
- In 1930 homework was declared as child labour by American Health Child Association.
- From the early to mid 20th century, progressive era of homework began, wherein teachers started to customise personal assignments for the students.
- After WWII, during the cold war, the Russian and the American youth started to compete with each other. This led to heating up the rigorous homework practises by the US education system to ensure its win over the Russian counterparts.
- In the 1980s homework was started to be considered as an imperative tool for reforming education by the US Education authorities.
- In the beginning of the 21st century many researchers and writers including Sarah Bennet, Dr. Harris Cooper, Dr. Etta Kralovec and few others started to oppose the system of homework. To state their theories, they even published books such as The Case Against Homework: How Homework Is Hurting Our Children and What We Can Do About It, The Battle Over Homework: Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents and The End of Homework: How Homework Disrupts Families, Overburdens Children, and Limits Learning, respectively.
- Homework is still not completely accepted in many parts of the world. It is considered as an additional burden on the young minds as well as a stress creator for parents.
Time spent by students on Homework
Homework is considered to be a tool which helps the student to revise the chapters done in the class. However, as it is said, excess of everything is bad, same is the case with homework. There have been reports which claim that the amount of homework given to children in schools vary from no homework at all to approximately 18 hours of homework every week. This is actually equivalent to doing a part time job a week.

Moving forward the intensity and the time spent on homework in the high school and the college is approximately double. It means, when you reach college, the time doubles up i.e. 35-40 hours a week, which is equivalent to doing a full time job. Additionally, the amount of homework given by your teachers is so much that you even have to invest your weekend timings in the completion of the homework.
This can truly take a toll on your health and does not leave you with sufficient time to carry out self study. Thus, we at Assignmenthelp4me, extend our helping hand in doing your college homework, in exactly the way you want it. It is due to our association with academic writing professionals, that we are so quickly and easily able to draft your assignments in the perfect manner for Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help Australia, Assignment Help USA and many other countries.
Pros and Cons of Homework
So, like every system or practise, homework does have its advantages and disadvantages. Here is a detailed analysis of all of them. Hope this will help you evaluate your stand for whether homework is a bane or boon.
Cons- the disadvantages of Homework
Homework from ages has been considered to be an extra burden on the life of the students as well as the parents. Along with stressing out the young developing minds of the students, homework has been believed to cause stress to the parent’s mind as well.
If asked from a student like you, you would definitely list out hundreds of disadvantages that bother you, while doing your homework. However, to summarise them, here is the list of 7 cons that the practise of homework adds in your life as a student.

Drains out your brain
Homework many times keeps you engrossed in writing work for hours. This drains out your mind and you are left with very less energy to concentrate on other important things. In fact you become frustrated and get irritated with the mere vision of books. Additionally there are a lot of subjects in your course and every subject professor gives you a lot of homework. All this when together gets multiplied, poses a threat to your mental balance. This is the reason that homework is believed to drain out all the positive energy from a students mind and put him in a troubled state.
Puts excess burden on young developing minds
According to a poll conducted in California of high school students, 82% of the students agreed that they have been stressed due to over-burden homework. This pressure can even lead to blocking the mental development of the child’s brain.
In the words of Alfie Kohn, an educationist and an expert in parenting, "Kids should have a chance to just be kids and do things they enjoy, particularly after spending six hours a day in school. After all, we adults need time just to chill out; it's absurd to insist that children must be engaged in constructive activities right up until their heads hit the pillow." This clearly reflects that a child’s mind needs rest time to rejuvenate himself from the pressure of studies.
You are left with no time for self study
The excessive pressure of the homework leaves you with no time to invest in self study. This is the reason you become a robot, who is always writing homework and assignments. Also, your self development is at stake, and at the end you only have the option of mugging up the course subjects, rather than learning them with your heart.
Your health gets impacted
Excess of regular college assignments put you under a round the clock work routine. This not only impacts your brain development but also strains your health to a negative extent. Due to continuous long working hours, you get multiple body aches and even problems related to sitting posture and eyesight. Additionally, many students are also unable to focus on studies for longer hours, which results in a pressurised study environment created by their parents.
No time for creative/ co curricular activities
The high time engagement in the tasks related to homework does not leave you with any energy to be invested in the creative and the co curricular activities. This unidirectional constraint burdens up your mind and excretes your creative potential. Further this affects badly in your mental development and you do not feel the urge to get yourself involved in creative activities.
Pushes you to take tuition help
In addition to all the above mentioned factors, homework also leads to creating a disbalance in your financial situations. This is because when the intensity of the homework is high, it gets tough for you to solely manage the pressure. Further, your parents are not capable of solving each and every type of your homework task. Thus, there are many times when you are dependent on tuition services to complete your homework in the perfect mannerism.
If you do not want to take tuitions, you can simply log in to our online assignment help services at Assignmenthelp4me, and get the best of assistance in the shortest possible time. This not only saves your time and energy, but also proves to be a highly economical way of getting homework help for your college assignment.
Excessive burden on parents
Along with posing a threat to the peace of mind of students, homework also creates a troublesome situation for the parents. When a student comes with homework, then parents get the added responsibility of getting it finished in time and that too with absolute perfection. This creates a lot of stress in the routine life of the parents as they have to manage their office, home chores as well as the homework of their children.
All in all, if you are facing any of the above difficulties, then the online services of Assignmenthelp4me, is just a click away. You just do not need to let your homework take a toll on your health, you can simply share the pressure with us. We assure you that each of our associates is directed to provide best homework help to you.
Pros- the advantages of Homework
Though, a lot has been discussed about the disadvantages of homework and how it consumes the maximum amount of your time, but at the same time its positive effects cannot be ignored. There are a lot of ways in which homework can be beneficial for the growth of the child’s brain and in other words it can prove to be an advantage for him. Following are the points, which throws light on the importance of homework and why teachers from ages have been depending on the effectiveness of this not so appealing tool.

Helps in the revision of your class work
A homework in many ways is an extension to the class work, therefore with a homework, you get the opportunity to revise the classwork you have done in the school or college. This further allows you to clarify your concepts, which you have studied in your class. Thus, when you get back to your school, you can ask the relative doubts from your teachers or classmates and ensure yourself a proper understanding of the subject.
Makes you independent
This is considered to be one of the major benefits of homework, as it allows you to do all your work by self. Moreover, when you get work for home, your first endeavor is to finish it all by self, which is the first step towards your accomplishment of being independent. Further, when you get yourself involved in all the research activities, then your mind starts working progressively. Furthermore, with this exercise, you not only gain a lot in terms of your course knowledge, but you also get introduced to many of your hidden skills.
Keeps you in touch with your coursework
Moving further, one considerable perk that homework provides every student like you is that it helps you stay in touch with your coursework. In fact when you daily complete your homework, you get a hands on experience with your course studies. Additionally, you get the chance to study your course material in detail and with the help of references you are asked to work upon, you get the exposure to an extension to your studies.
One thing very important to take note of, here, is that, the in depth analysis, you get to conduct, as a part of the home assignments, is something you would never have taken a dive into, if you weren't forced into this homework culture.
Sharpens your brain
In the practise of researching all the evidence and assignment topics, you unconsciously get yourself involved in the process of sharpening your brain. This continuous engagement can lead to unbelievable results, all of which are tough to achieve otherwise.
Keeps you engrossed
One highly positive outcome of getting homework from schools or colleges is that it keeps your mind directed towards study. This plays a highly important role in not letting your brain move in a negative direction and you simply do not even get the idea of wasting your energy in exhaustive online games. In fact, with college assignments you are thoroughly committed towards the production of fruitful results, which are beneficial not only for you but for your classmates as well.
Helps to build a positive bond with your parents
Many times, when we are working on college assignments, we get stuck and the nearest resource is our parents. This calls for the involvement of your parents in the completion of your college assignment. This dual engagement in the accomplishment of your college project, opens up many new strings of communication between you and your parents. All these things together lead to the formation of a positive bond between you both and you loosen up many invisible knots of connection.
The more you do your homework, the more you’re free to be intuitive. But you’ve got to put the work in.
Edward Norton
As rightly quoted by Edward Norton, the more homework you do, the more creative you become. This certainly gives birth to the creator inside you, who is ready to walk all the miles to achieve high scores in college assignment.
Further, online services by Assignmenthelp4me, can always prove advantageous for you and help you successfully take homework help and achieve your target in the set period of time.
Homework writing tips for students
Homework writing requires will, time and management, more than the skills of actually doing the work. You need to develop in yourself the willpower that yes you can complete this homework in the given time and with absolute perfection. It is when you achieve the confidence in yourself that you can successfully complete your homework, then you can assuredly finish up all your college assignment tasks in time. Further to this, you need to have a properly managed schedule, which directs you towards the accomplishment of your mission.
As discussed in the previous sections, you are ought to get a number of assignments due to the multiplicity of subjects, you get to study as a part of your course curriculum. Out of these some assignments are short, while some are long. However, to achieve high grades, you need to work upon each assignment with ultimate precision. Thus, you need to design a carefully structured time table, for finishing your homework. The implementation of this time table starts as soon as you come back from school, because only and only if you will manage your time efficiently, you would be able to make a positive use of it.

Start soon after the home refreshments
As soon as you get back from school/ college, you should get yourself refreshed by changing your clothes and having a meal. This is very important to fuel your brain and body with the righteous energy to carry out the tasks assigned for home. Additionally, sitting with the family and having a meal enlivens your mind and you get fully charged to work again.
It is after you finish up your meal that you should sit for homework writing. This is because your mind is fresh with the thoughts and visions your teachers have guided you with, for the homework. So, the gap between the teachers briefing and your actualisation of the same, should be minimal. This would help you put in the maximum amount of your understanding in the assignment.
Take proper breaks
We understand that you get a lot of assignments from college, but all does not need to be finished up at once. There needs to be a sufficient time break between each task you complete. This gives your mind the space to restore its energy and work again with a high and positive force of motivation.
Make notes at once
If you think that you will forget the briefings given by your teachers in the latter part of the day. Then you can first make a rough structure of all the assignments, then you can pen down all the details later on. This would not only assure you to benefit from the knowledge you have gained in the class but would make your tasks a lot easier, to be accomplished in the legitimate way. Then throughout the day as per your schedule of other tuition and hobby classes, you can instruct yourself working purposefully.
Take consultation from peers
Your parents and siblings can be your best guiding source. Their experience has immense power to fill your assignment writings with great strength and affirmation. Also, sometimes the assignments given by school or college professors, require the involvement of parents. So, you should never hesitate in taking help from them. Not only in the non- technical projects, but your parents can help you evidently in your technical projects. Based on their specialisations, they can help you understand the relative subjects with deeper knowledge and with real life examples.
Look for valuable suggestions from friends and Assignmenthelp4me
Moving further in the assignment, if you find yourself stuck at any point, then you can unhesitatingly call upon your friend for help. Additionally, you can also count upon our highly dependable services, with the help of which you can score assured high grades in your college assignments. From conceptualisation, to drafting to finalisation of the assignment, we can provide you online assignment help in any way possible. This serves our very purpose of extending you the best possible support in each and every way.
Eat nutritiously
Above all, to execute all the above mentioned pointers, you need to energise your mind and soul with high energy food. This means that you should have healthy food throughout the day, which acts as the right source of energy for your body and helps your brain function the right way. Also, eating healthy food, like fruits and juices, wards off the negativity from your mind and provides your brain the optimism to actualise your goals and finish the assignment writing tasks in a much speedy and efficient manner.
Tips for parents regarding kids Homework
Being a parent is not an easy task at all. You are accountable for the growth of your child as well as responsible to handle his studies. Also, you are ought to take care of his study schedule and manage his daily chores. It is you who is supposed to bring a balance in his school and home life. Further, with the help of your guidance, your child is sure to earn confidence and success in his life.

Be friends to your children
Children who have friends in their parents are the happiest. Thus to make your child the happiest, you need to become his best friend. This does not mean you need to play with him at the kindergarten level, it actually means you have to let that kindergarten bond flourish even after your kids start going to school and college. Further, this relation is the bond you will cherish for your life.
Know them in and out
Always remember, being friends implies knowing all about your kids hobbies and dislikes. You have to make yourself aware of all his interests, which actually helps you in motivating him, when he is down with energy. Additionally, you should be well informed about his whereabouts, when he is out of home, this includes his friends and teachers. It also ensures you that your child has not fallen for the wrong company.
Organise a calm study space for them
To help your child complete his school homework in absolute time, you need to make extra efforts. This includes setting up their study space. While organising the same for your child, you must ensure that the place you choose is free from distractions. Though, most of the time, study spaces are inside the room of your child, but in case you have a study room in your house, then it can be an additional benefit. Moreover, you can make the room more resourceful by adding a variety of informative books, which are relevant to his course.
Enliven the space with positivity
Further to enlightening the room with knowledge of books, you also need to add the elements of positivity in the space. One very important thing to note here is that people of today are highly inclined towards scented candles or vastu directions, to ensure the positivity in the study room. In fact, rather than all these superstitions, just the right lighting and decoration of the room as per your kids interest can boost your kids energy to an optimum level.
Help them set a schedule
Undoubtedly, it is important for children to be independent, but your guidance can do wonders in setting up the right study schedule for them. It is because you are better experienced and little inputs from your intelligence can help them pave a progressive path in education.
Cook nutritious meals
Food plays an immortal role in charging up our senses to work appropriately. Thus, when you cook the right meal for your child, you fuel his energy with the right nutrients. Additionally, you have to make sure that you keep their motivation level high by serving them their favourite food items every now and then. Though, kids love more junk food these days, a twist of nutritional ingredients, can always make it healthy as well as interesting. Be their reminder clock
Support them emotionally
You as a parent need to realise that children get drained out working through the day. This is why your emotional support can act as a great relief for them. For this, you do not need to always sit by their side but asking about their well being every now and then and confirming your help or assistance in their daily life, can be a great way to showcase your support. Also, you can have light chats with them over tea or snacks time, when they take a break from studies. All these things eventually help your child to open up with you and you become his confidant for lifetime.
Extend a helping hand
In case, your child is overloaded with the burden of work, you should always reach him out to provide him the practical help he needs. This can be decorating a project file or writing down some part of the assignment from the rough pages. Always remember, even the slightest of your help can prove to be a great motivational source for your child and he feels pepped up again to rework with the regained strength and help.
Pat their back
More than the teachers, it's the parents' recognition that matters a lot to children, so you must pat your child’s back as and when they do something extraordinary. Otherwise also, on low energy days, a few words of encouragement from you, can do wonders on their personal and professional progress.
Do not be an intruder
in the process of accomplishing all the above mentioned steps, do not start intruding in your child’s personal life. Remember, every child today needs some personal space and it should be given, provided it must be guarded by the invisible walls of trust and emotions. These invisible yet robust walls do not let your child take any wrong step and keep him safe and sound. Also, you should never forget that there is a very thin line between being an intruder and being a friend and you have to be the latter one, not the first.
If your child is loaded with assignments and the deadline is short, you can simply contact our experts at Assignmenthelp4me. We promise to deliver the best possible homework help in the provided time, whether it is for assignment help UK or for any other country.
Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good ideas and information. That’s called doing your homework
Jim Rohn
As intelligently cited by Jim Rohn, homework unleashes the prospects of your future and helps you dive deeper into the subjects of your interest. In other words, homework though is stressful, but draws you - the student, closer to your best version and hence with time you evolve to be a confident and successful person.
What are the three types of homework?
Three types of homework are practise homework, preparation homework and extension homework. These types of homework focus on providing better learning experience to students.
Why Homework Is Important
Homework is surely an important part of the learning process of the students. It helps the students to pre- learn the material along with giving a better understanding of the subject. It also gives the students the chance to practise and process the learning.
What is the point of homework?
Homework is undoubtedly an important part of the learning process of students. It is the process which helps the students to self understand the topic. Also, it is a great opportunity for the students to mark their doubt on the subject.