Eliminate the darkness of procrastination.
Abigail Johnson | 30 Apr,2021
Do you struggle hard to find the right inspiration to study or complete other important tasks in life? Do you have to push yourself really hard to build concentration and momentum while studying or trying to comprehend something? Do you feel anxious or monotonous at the mere sight of books? Do you believe in delaying things rather than completing them in stipulated time? Well, these are all signs of procrastination.
As a student, the most prominent challenge you have to deal with daily is to not fall into the trap of procrastination. Once you start procrastinating often, it becomes a personality trait in you hampering your everyday productivity. This meticulous blog puts forth the answers to some of the most provocative and concerning questions about how procrastination affects you and how you can overcome it. Through this blog, you will be able to self-evaluate yourself and find the most useful answers to achieve greater academic success by keeping procrastination in check. To succeed, we must always be prepared to run a race against time because as we know, time and tide wait for none. You may keep waiting for the right time or the last minute because of your procrastination but the right time will not wait for you! So, to begin with, let us scrutinize some important questions that are important to answer and decode.
You may delay, but time will not.
Benjamin FranklinHere are the why’s which bother you..
Why am I unable to study?
This question will always pop up in your mind whenever you find yourself striving too hard to gather focus and pull off long academic sessions. You study in short bursts and then you procrastinate the rest with never-ending breaks. Isn’t that a very common thing? But when you realize that you have wasted time, you feel a little guilty, you start stressing about it, and you wonder why are you not able to study in the way it should be.
Why am I scoring less in exams?
A procrastinator or someone who is unable to find the right study motivation will often find himself scoring low grades. Students often tend to compare their grades with their peers and feel discouraged when they realize that they have scored lesser than others. If this has ever happened to you, you will be able to relate to this question. Students keep asking themselves why is it that they are scoring low. The answer often is procrastination or ineffective time management that students may not want to acknowledge.
Why am I not able to concentrate on my studies?
Many times, you raise this question to yourself out of frustration. You also ponder on these thoughts when you introspect to find the reasons due to which you are consistently scoring low or have been showing signs of low concentration levels for quite some time.

Reasons why you procrastinate
Apart from facing the difficulties of dealing with the above-mentioned questions, you often get affected by the following reasons, which make you procrastinate.
- You get distracted easily by a social media update or a friends phone call
- You do not like to get involved in studies and the mere sight of books irritates you.
- You are highly demotivated
- You have no defined vision of success in your mind.
- You have low- self-control and cannot direct your mind positively towards the completion of your task.
- You are anxious and unable to concentrate
- You are not driven by any reward in the near future
- You believe in doing things at the last minute just before the deadline
- You are not aware of the importance and merits of education.
- You are not aware of the importance of education.
- You don't self reflect upon yourself
Additionally, you might have concentration issues because of the extensive burden on your mind to complete your college assignments along with the accountability to cram up the course studies you are pursuing. In such a case you need not worry, as we- Assignmenthelp4me, are always there for you. Our team of effluent academic writers is highly adept at offering premium assignment writing services to you. So whichever subject assignment is bothering you, you just need to contact our efficient team and our executives will contact you at the earliest.
Now, comes the Hows
The solutions to help you stop procrastinating your studies
...the best possible way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your intelligence, all your enthusiasm, on doing today's work superbly today. That is the only possible way you can prepare for the future.
Dale Carnegie, How to Stop Worrying and Start LivingTips to concentrate on studies
One possible answer to why you are not able to concentrate on studies is that you have a low ability to sustain your focus on something. To allow yourself to dive deeper into the sea of knowledge, you need to focus on your academic commitments with single-mindedness. Further, to achieve the subsequent section illustrates 5 techniques, which can easily unfold all your problems of concentration. These five techniques are convenient to practice and can yield highly fruitful results.

Meditate peacefully:
This has been one of the most dependable methods to increase concentration, from ages. Even if you ask your grandparents, they would also suggest this technique. Also, it is because of the worthiness of this method that you can simply rely upon it without giving a second thought. Moreover, it does not require any rocket science to get started, you just need to look for a peaceful place and sit in a comfortable position, with all your mind directed towards the name of almighty. Not only will it promote greater willpower but it will also make you all the more optimistic and foster better mental wellness.
Stamp out things that distract you
One very imperative factor that is required to get your mind concentrated at a certain point is to free yourself from all the surrounding distractions. Not only the materialistic things that distract you can be a hurdle in your task completion, but even the personal thoughts of your mind can act as obstacles to your achievement of a goal. Therefore, before sitting to study or to meditate, you should always let yourself loose and free your mind from all the tensions or hurdles that might have the ability to distract you while studying. You need to identify the distractions that make you a procrastinator and then find effective ways to manage them and mitigate them.
Increase your willpower
It is through this practice, that you get introduced to your inner strength and get to know the real you. There are multifarious stages to achieve this. By working on your willpower you can see yourself evolving through the following 3 stages. Your thoughts and your mindset will translate from ‘I cannot do this' to ‘I can do this' to ‘I will do this.’ Throughout this process, you will witness an evolution inside you and you can certainly witness your self-improvement, with the successful surpassing of each hurdle. Also, when you will reach the third stage, you will realize the difference you have achieved in yourself. You will have greater faith in your abilities than ever before. This difference will allow you to accomplish the best results in your studies also as you will be able to build massive willpower. You will be able to shape your mind such that you develop a growth mindset that makes you believe in the power of hard work and persistence.
Let optimism be your absolute state
More than anything else, what is required is an optimistic attitude to change and to be able to bring a change. Thus, when you acquire a decisive approach in life and start viewing everything with the lens of positivity, then you disburden yourself from the lack of motivation. In other words, by being conclusive, you empower your mind to take charge of the situation and open the wings of your learning by acknowledging your own abilities and potential. You will have an optimistic outlook on life, you will be driven by positive intent and this positivity will unlock new horizons for you.
Always stay attentive
Last but not the least, for academic success and building uninterrupted concentration, you need to have a knack for attention to detail and active listening. If you open your mind to all the learning around, then you not only increase your bandwidth of grasping knowledge but you also accustom your mind to focus on studying various topics. You need to work on enhancing your curiosity for learning and curiosity will further drive better attentiveness. Also, being attentive doubles your chances of learning the lessons being taught in the class, and thus, you do not have to put extra effort into cramming or understanding them by yourself.
How do I motivate myself to study?
Motivation is the key driving force behind every task. Your academic commitments, assignments, exam preparation, active learning in the classroom, your homework, and all other tasks require motivation. The common thing between all achievers is that they keep themselves motivated and keep evolving themselves to enhance their ability to self-motivate themselves. “How do I motivate myself to study?” This is a question that would be bothering you each day especially during exams, isn’t it? You would be looking for various ways to motivate yourself across various resources and ultimately get confused. Well, one basic key to staying motivated is to keep things simple. The subsequent section talks about the simplest yet most effective ways to staying motivated.

Have a positive start to the day
A positive beginning to the day not only fills your mind with determination but also allows you to dive into the sea of happiness and peace. You can do this by chanting the name of God first thing in the morning and recognizing the power of your inner self through the very energetic tool of motivation. Further, you can use self-affirmation as an added method to fill your mind with great zeal and confidence and thus motivate yourself to study.
Define a goals
Once you are done with offering your prayers to the almighty, then you should define your goal for the day. It is very important to believe in the power of short goals, which act as the defining source to keep guiding you over and over again for the accomplishment of the task, decided by you. Also, you can fool the whole world, but fooling yourself is truly impossible, therefore you must align yourself to a task every morning, which you ought to achieve by the end of the day.
Create a Timetable
To achieve the above-stated goals, you need to work on creating a wise timetable. This timetable must be in alliance with your daily set goals of academic achievements. Further, this definitely has to match your academic tasks, which are being assigned by your educational institutions. In fact, by making a timetable by yourself, you give charge to your inner consciousness to rule your mind. Thus, you do not take the chance of betraying yourself and the timetable drafted by you.
Take judicious breaks
While drafting the timetable, you must ensure proper space for breaks in it. Along with time being properly allocated for various subjects, there should also be sufficient time for leisure, wellness, mindfulness, and meals. These must include snack breaks apart from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also, many students live in hostels or even in rented accommodations, so if you fall in such a category, you would need to take out time for food preparation also. Thus, keeping in mind all the respective requirements, you must design the timetable judiciously and alongside keep yourself motivated to study.
Include your favorite activity in your break time
When you devise a timetable for yourself, you can take all the leverage of adding your favorite activity in the break and you must add one hobby to it. By doing this, you not only relieve your senses by taking a healthy break, but you simultaneously also charge yourself up and motivate your mind to carry out your studies in a positive direction. This additionally empowers your mind to act in a much-required way and you tend to learn in an even faster way.
Lit your room properly
Your room’s ambiance plays an integral role in directing your mind to achieve your focus on study. If the environment around you is positive and illuminated, then your mind automatically gets disciplined to think and act emphatically. Further, you can even decorate your room with various elements of self-inspiration, which eradicates your negative thoughts leading to the development of a calm and positive state of mind.
Reiterate your vision
This is certainly an important aspect that can help you motivate yourself again and again. For this, you need to recall your vision and acquaint your mind with the positive outcomes of exercising your vision. By doing this time and again, your mind will get familiarised with the profits and will eventually start aiming for it.
Take inspiration from a friend
This can be one of the most motivating sources, when you command your mind, ‘I want to become like him’. Also, it can prove to be a highly successful technique as you have a certain image in mind, which you want to achieve. Additionally, when you try to imitate a friend’s success, you already have a route in hand, following the path of which, you can certify yourself of accomplishing the target. To imitate your friend, you can participate in group work with your friend. While studying in group you would be able to work on some case studies together and this will hone your skills.
Leverage technology
In today’s technological world, any task is incomplete without the intervention of technology, and so is the process of motivating yourself. Moreover, the technological tools around you can help you remind yourself of following your timetable by heart and they can even keep a track of your daily activities. Further, at the end of the day, these tools can assist you in analyzing your flaws and the areas of improvement you need to focus on.
Furthermore, many of the tech tools in the present world, help you relieve your mind from stress and give you a break from the hectic schedule. It is by listening to music, watching humorous videos, stand-up comedians, or playing games on mobile phones that can help you take a break from the deep-dwelling courses of your study.
How to balance exams and college assignments?
Undoubtedly the burden of college assignments and homework acts as a hurdle when it comes to completing the learning and analyzing tasks. The daily assignments that are given by your college professors are certainly very demanding. These assignments require a considerable amount of time investment, due to which you face problems in studying.

In fact, sometimes, the complexity of the assignments is so high that your entire day gets engrossed in doing just one assignment. Procrastinating homework has its own disadvantages and may impact your grades. Also, the pressure of homeworking and incessant assignments can leave you with no time to attend to other tasks. Therefore, to assist you in completing your task of the day, we at Assignment help 4 me, take the assignment part from you, so that you can easily manage other studying tasks. This even allows you to successfully follow each and every part of your timetable well, with full precision.
What does procrastination mean
Procrastination means to delay something which you have to do till some future time. Most often you keep on procrastinating until the deadline approaches too close or the work becomes extremely urgent. Thus, procrastination is considered as a habit which you should get rid of.
Why can't I stop procrastinating?
One of the simplest reasons why you can’t stop procrastinating is that you don’t find the task to be done as enjoyable. So, you lack the motivation to complete the task and you keep on procrastinating.
How to overcome procrastination
‘Motivation’ is an antidote to procrastination. So, you can overcome procrastination by motivating yourself to do the work which you have been procrastinating to do. Further, you can utilize motivational videos, podcasts and quotes to motivate yourself.