An essay to elucidate the impacts of Social media
Being connected with people all around the world is the biggest blessing of technology. It is the advancement that has given humans the very capacity to witness the beauty of the world, by sitting at home itself. This upgradation of life is a certain and a subsequent effect of the internet, which has in many ways blown away the minds of the people. Along with bringing comfort and ease, technology has upsurged the standard of living of people of the Globe. Though not everyone can go and personally experience these facts, the emergence of social media has bridged the gap. It is through social media pages and websites that people showcase and share their experiences about their lifestyle and momentarily changes they go through each day. It has become an infotainment source, which fills the mind with hundreds of updates.
Social media can be defined as a platform which gives opportunities to millions of people around the world to engage into the practise of social networking. These can constitute websites or the web based applications which allow users to share pictures, videos or written content on any topic on their social media page. The content shared further has the tendency to get multiplied depending upon the followers and the social network of the respective social media account.
What is social media?
As defined above, social media is an online platform that provides an individual the space to share his professional or personal experience with the world. It is one of the most advantageous mediums that facilitates a human with the best knowledge from various sources across the globe. The medium of sharing information is formal as well as informal, depending upon the type of social media, a person chooses. In fact, with the evolution of time, social media has also been used for professional networking. There are many social networking pages, which guarantee positive career opportunities for people.
One of the very prominent examples, which is highly popular across the globe is Linked In. This is a platform, which is highly appreciated by the people of the world. Also, it is one website that is immensely popular among professionals. It has even become a place where people can look for better job opportunities. It has even become one obvious choice for people who want to grow in their careers. Moreover, the career graph has always been believed to go up with the kind of professional help that is provided at this platform.
Types of Social Media
Social media as discussed above is a source to develop networks and a platform to generate and share ideas on. To manifest the best of the services throughout the world, the makers have divided the platform into various types. This helps in directing and further investing one's interests in the particular types of social media. Following is a brief description of the various types.
Social Networks
Social networks is one of the most popular types of social media. It is widely used by people of different age groups ranging from little kids to elders. People use this type of social media to connect with their friends, family members, clients and different brands in an online space. As Social Networks help people connect with each other, they are also known as relationship platforms. Further, different social networking platforms like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter offer interesting features which allow people to share photos, videos, and links with each other. It is because of the availability of such interesting features that people love using social networks. Moreover, Twitter's generous limit of up to 2,400 Tweets per day per user encourages active and frequent engagement on the platform.
Media sharing Networks
Media sharing networks as is evident from the name itself, enable the users to share media files such as photos, videos and music with each other. Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube are some popular examples of media sharing networks. No doubt, social networks such as facebook and twitter also enable the users to share photos and videos with each other, they are not as media oriented as media sharing networks are. For example, if you press the search icon on instagram, you find multifarious videos and photos of popular instagram stars. But, it is not so on facebook. This is a clear point of distinction between the social networks and media sharing networks.
Social Blogging Networks
Social Blogging Networks enable the users to publish different types of content and share them with the readers. Tumblr and Medium are two of the most widely used social blogging networks. Both individual bloggers and companies utilize them to interact with their respective audience via blogs. Out of the different types of social media discussed by now, social blogging networks require the most effort from the users. This is because to keep their audience engaged bloggers have to publish quality blogs at regular intervals of time which requires a blend of research, creativity and excellent writing skills. Further, blogging is one of the most popular ways different companies utilize for customer engagement (Wamba, Akter, Kang,, Bhattacharya, & Upal, 2016).
Discussion Networks
As the name suggests, Discussion Networks enable the users to have discussions with each other. People can discuss everything from news to their brand preferences. By far, Reddit and Quora are two most popular discussion networks used by people. Along with individual users, many companies also utilize these platforms to know what people think about their products and know more about what the customers actually need.
Review Networks
Review networks help companies and customers to connect with each other directly. Different customers post their reviews about the products and services offered by organizations on these review networks. It is with the help of these reviews that companies can analyze their positive and negative points and work on them. Further, Yelp and Glassdoor are two most widely used review networks. Yelp enables the users to discuss different products and services whereas on Glassdoor, different employees share their reviews about their organization.
Effects of social media
The effect of social media is certainly the talk of the town in recent times. It is the platform which has changed the lives of many. Starting from the children to the adults, the people of all ages and backgrounds have seen to be affected by the use of social media. Here are few of the much appreciated effects of the social media pages and websites.
The enlargement of social circle
One of the most common and highly observed effects of social media is the advancement in the social circle of a person. The various platforms of social media allows a person to open up himself to the world. This further gives the person the chance to interact with larger people of the same interest. Moreover, interaction with different people boosts the knowledge of a person. Along with knowledge it also adds to the confidence and the experience of the person.
It is like getting oneself indulged into a number of different conversations just by sitting at the computer screen. The invariable options that comes across aid a person in knowing the difference between the right and wrong. Also, the personal and professional development are two very different but possible benefits of enlarged social circle.
Multiplicity of information
When accustomed to multiple social accounts, a person can make himself encounter various possible opportunities. These options include beneficial information, which further helps the person to modify his ideology. There are various campaigns that are run on social media platforms. These campaigns bring a lot of encouragement and support to people emotionally and mentally.
Moreover, a post or a content has the capability to get shared millions of times on social media. The impact of the content on a social platform is said to be much higher than the spoken words on any traditional media. Furthermore, the reach of social media is unmeasurable, which automatically multiplies the effect that the information can have on its readers.
Expansion of exposure
The above two points substantiate the fact that exposure is one elemental effect of social media. The kind of exposure that a particular service, idea or a product can get on social media is incomparable to what it can get on any other platform. Also, because social media brings along great power to change the mindset of people, it carves a way for them. It can also be said that social media serves the information in a much seriable and lucrative way that the other person wishes to make it their own just at that moment.
The same is very much applicable on the services that the marketing agencies provide to its customers. This is the reason many people depend on social media for expanding their businesses and evaluating the exposure their businesses can get in the respective time and position.

Advantages of social media
For an individual, a student or even an organisation, the advantages of social media are immense. These generally vary as per the person who is using social media. In general, a person may witness the following benefits:
Expanded reach to people
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and snapchat have multiplied the reach of people to great extents. It is with the help of this communication tool that businesses are able to expand their audience. In fact the altitude of marketing that a brand gets through this medium is truly remarkable. The numbers of the reach are far more beyond the expectations of a common man. A very simple example of the millions of views and likes on Youtube videos can feed the answer to the impact of social media.
Updates about all the new launches
The power of social media is impeccable. It is the unsolicited yet overwhelming response of social media that makes it more applaudable. A man sitting in any part of the world gets through the news of the launch of his favourite product and the brand in a matter of seconds. The company just needs to post it on their social media pages and the followers get an instant update about the launch. This quickness and the effect of social media is highly advantageous for the flourishing of any business type. But, to maximize the effectiveness of such platforms it is essential for businesses to collaborate with social media agencies to enhance their campaigns
From as small as the business of spices to a clothing or machine manufacturer, a company just needs to target the right audience. Rest is a procedure that follows very smoothly (Rubtcova, & Pavenkov, 2018).
Great source to fetch ideas
The amount of information anyone gets through their social media accounts is way highly remarkable. With the new information, also comes the unique ideas. It is like digging more into the new concepts to generate even better versions. Also, when the ideas get floated, it gives the conceptualiser a fresher and first handed feedback. Further, the feedback can be another very dependable source to get ideas from.
Also, not to miss ideas are the basis of any business form. One can have ideas from anywhere. These ideas are the backbone of a strong and attractive business route.
A much recognised and dependable global platform
Social media platforms do not only give the opportunity to expand and explore. But these also come very dependable mediums. The platforms like instagram, twitter, youtube have an exceptional performance report. These have a well built system of approach, which if followed systematically can yield great results for the user. Moreover, the popularity of the social media applications or websites is not confined to any location or age (Rubtcova, & Pavenkov, 2018). One can see children as well as adults making conscious use of the social media platforms. This ensures the farsighted reach promised by the various platforms.
High transparency
Social media is a web based, highly transparent and an immensely beneficial medium of communication. Everything that is communicated by the company or a brand is visible on its social media page. A person do not has to actually make extra efforts to look for the services or the products offered by the brand. He can just surk through the social media pages and get hold of all the communications made by the company till date.
Further, the direct dealing with the executives of the brand is far more easy now. The occupancy of the social media in communicating with the clients has proven to be a great success. The customers can now simply visit the social media pages and write their feedback (Rubtcova, & Pavenkov, 2018). Moreover, the response is readily sent back by the company. This adds convenience and directness to the service of the clients.

Disadvantages of social media
Along with providing various advantages to the people of the world, social media also has various disadvantages. These advantages are actually the changes in the lifestyle, which have happened due to the constant dependency of social media applications. Few of the disadvantages are mentioned below:
Lack of emotional connect
One of the major disadvantages of social media is the gap it creates in developing the emotional side of a person. It binds a person in a world which is far away from the depth of emotions. Moreover, the habit of talking to people online takes away the very ability to form a personal connection. This is completely opposite to what a person accomplishes during a regular face to face communication.
In addition to this, the authenticity of a person is always at stake when communicating through social media. It does not exhibit the same reliability that a person can have while talking face to face with the other person (Alobaidi, 2018).
Increases dependency on virtual mediums
No idea comes straight from the mind, when it comes to the easy reach that humans have to their social media accounts. The dependency on social media is high due to the fact that it is readily available. The online presence of every single person and information makes it super convenient for the user to process the work. This stops the person from using his mind and he stays dependent on the online sources.
Increased screen time
This is one factor, which concerns the parents of every child. The children have started to spend more time on laptops, I pads or mobile devices. These put more pressure on the eyes of the children and they tend to develop eyesight problems. Not only children, elderly men and women also have to wear spectacles if they do not limit their time on screen.
No real life friends
With more virtual life, the space for real life and friends gets reduced to a great extent. Moreover, the introduction to new technologies and enhanced lifestyle trends leaves very less time for making actual friendships. This is also because of the decreased time span that people spend outside the online world. The more the people get close to the internet spaces, the more they get trapped into the aura of online friendships.
Increased health problems
All the points discussed above ultimately leads to distorting the time graph that a person spends doing physical activity. The decline in the physical exercises at the end puts the body into a bad shape. With this unnatural weight gain and more intake of ready to eat food, comes the health problems (Rubtcova, & Pavenkov, 2018). These problems generally put a toll on the overall mental and physical stability of a human being. However, the worst is that children are getting addicted to these habits and it is posing serious consequences on their health.
Social media essay
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Social media- a tool to boost children’s communication skills
The web of social media is ever expanding. From the small profile pages to enlarged social networking circles, the concept of social media has expanded to a great level. Moreover, this web has covered people of almost all ages and regions. Counting from adolescence to adulthood to being a fully grown man, every single person today has a social media account. This very growth has brought in various challenges for the human race. Not only are these challenges demanding but also very advantageous. These have proven to uplift the reach of the human mind and creativity at a level par than the traditional reach of any individual or community. This is further because of the unshackled ideology, the idea of social media is based upon. It actually does not withhold a person to a limit or beyond, to conduct any kind of experiment or exercise. However, as they say, with advantages comes the disadvantages too. Same is the case with social media. This article arguments the fact that social media is one instrumental virtual figure which is devising an opportune career graph of the children of today.
Thesis statement
First and the foremost thing is that social media helps the children to boost their confidence. Unlike the traditional means of communication, children today have the opportunity to access the information worldwide. Also, through the social media contacts, they are easily able to multiply their network and then get the chance to exchange knowledge with thousands of people. Further, the feedback or the one to one response that any communication of the child gets, is one determining source to shape his personality. Moreover, it is the duty of every parent to motivate their children to be confident enough to be able to speak in front of others. By looking at the videos or content of accomplished children from around the world, a child automatically gets drawn towards the concept (Undiyaundeye, 2014). He then, himself wishes to achieve the similar heights. Moving further, social media has been considered to be one evolutionary tool which has boosted the self esteem of children. According to a study, 65% of the teenage children admit that they have experienced a boost in their self esteem with the comments they receive on their selfies and pictures they post on the social media. While 40% also said that social media gives them the platform to present their best self to the world (Dahl, 2014).
The second and another benefit of social media is that it is a source of abundance. For children, one can get access to unlimited information. Not only the medium itself provides great inputs and ideas to develop the personal and professional skills of children. But the social networking web that it helps the children to reach onto, is yet another very significant source of knowledge. The people, professionals or the leaders that a child comes into contact with, on mediums like facebook or LinkedIn, plays an elementary role in shaping the child of a career. Most importantly, the access to the information on websites like LinkedIn is not limited to just people who are in the working sector. But, the students who are willing to take a dig into any of the courses related to a profession can actually have a sneak peek into the professional world through these platforms. Also, it gives the opportunity to have a direct conversation with the leaders of the world, who play an imperative role in guiding the children towards the right path for their life. In addition to this, (Abbas, Aman, Nurunnabi, & Bano, 2019) presented the strong relationship between creative and antithetical characteristics and evaluated that social impact on learning behaviour of students in universities.
On the other hand, there are people who believe that social media has deteriorated the lifestyle of children. It has put many adverse effects on their mind and actually has stopped the natural progression of an individual’s intelligence. This comes with the fact that children tend to spend maximum hours of their day surfing the net or talking to people on social media sites. This acts as an obstacle to the growth of their mind. Many times, this makes the child think unidirectional. This is also because by having a certain kind of group on social media, a person gets to see respective types of posts only. This in every way limits his choices and puts him forward as a submissive and an introvert person.
Further, the opponents of social media also state that a child develops aversion towards real friends and people. He develops an attitude which is anti-social. More oftenly, the children who spend long hours on social media distance themselves from the real world. They actually do not find themselves comfortable between the real people. It is because they get used to speaking or conversing with unknown people on virtual platforms. According to a study done by Pew Research Center, out of the total, only 33% of children confirmed that they have a face to face conversation with their friends on a constant basis. While 54% of them said they text their friends once a day (Suliveres, 2014). These figures highlight the fact that children need to be distracted from the new habit of spending long hours on social media applications. This needs to be a joint effort that comes from the groups of friends as well as parents at home.
As a conclusion, it can be said that though social media has some negative effects on the children, its advantages cannot be ignored. The use of social media as seen above is highly beneficial for the overall personality of a child. He gets the ideas to sharpen his skills sitting over the internet only. However, the use of social media should be limited for every child. It is the duty of parents to ensure that their children are not entirely dependent on the internet. They must encourage their children to strike a balance between social media and real life physical activities. This can safeguard their children from getting over indulging into the fascinating world of social media. Further, these steps can ensure a happy world with enlightened and playful children.
The people are highly dependent on social media. In fact the present situation of pandemic has brought every single person on social media. These are the times when the actual importance of social media has become known to people. Therefore, the need is to simplify the approach and develop a balanced attitude in visualising towards social media. These must be done keeping in mind the above discussed and many other advantages and disadvantages of social media.
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