A comprehensive essay on water pollution, its causes, and solutions
Water is abundant as well as a scarce natural resource. Though three-fourth of the earth is covered with water resources, clean drinking water is insufficient. Moreover, the population explosion and human expansion further make clean water inadequate. Also, to make things worse, pollution is depleting this planet's resources at a fast pace. Pollution in general and water pollution, in particular, have become major issues for humanity to address. Water pollution happens when water resources like lakes and rivers are contaminated with toxic substances. Further, this contamination degrades the quality of water and makes it unfit for drinking or other uses. Now, this leads to severe health issues among human beings when they consume polluted water. Hence, it is evident that water pollution is a severe threat to the well-being of humans. According to a report by the UN World Water Development 2020, around 2.2 billion people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water. One of the major reasons for these alarming figures is that of water contamination. This essay is aimed at developing a better understanding of water pollution and the sources responsible for it. Further, the essay cites the effects of water pollution followed by pragmatic solutions to deal with it. This is a comprehensive analysis of water pollution catering to all aspects of it.
("UN World Water Development Report 2020 ‘Water and Climate Change’ | UN-Water", 2020)
What is water pollution?
The earth has been blessed with a wide range of water resources, including oceans, rivers, lakes, groundwater, and aquifers. But due to human activities, these resources are losing their quality with each passing day. Water pollution is the contamination of these natural resources as a consequence of human actions. It occurs when humans dump waste materials in water or release untreated water into water bodies. Further, these toxic substances, when released into water, degrade the marine ecosystems. This degradation deteriorates the quality of water in these sources and makes it unfit for human use. To simplify, one can understand water pollution as the release of harmful or toxic substances into water bodies. As this contamination of water bodies increases every day, the availability of clean drinking water is declining. Moreover, there are several ways in which water can be contaminated, either in a direct or indirect manner. These pollutants further take a toll on aquatic life and also decay the quality of groundwater. As a direct result of this pollution, human beings witness several diseases after polluted water consumption. So, water pollution has a plethora of devastating effects on various ecosystems. To understand it even better, one must know about the various sources and types of water pollution.

Causes and sources of water pollution
There are different causes and sources that contribute to the degradation of water resources. These sources of water pollution can be domestic, industrial, and so on. Before moving to solutions, an individual must learn about the various causes of water pollution. One can divide the causes of water pollution into human activities and natural causes.
Human activities responsible for water pollution
Time management is a wide skill set that can be further divided into a spectrum of smaller skills that combine to boost productivity. It is inclusive of planning, organising, time tracking, and self-identification skills. An individual must incorporate these skills into his personality to improve productivity and be able to compete better. It is an undeniable fact that a person who knows how to manage his productivity and time better proves to be more competitive than others in the prevailing cutthroat scenarios. Hence, people need to understate what skills constitute time management so that their approach towards it is comprehensive.
Industrialization first started in Britain in the 18th century and spread to other parts of the globe. Since then, industries grew multifold at a rampant pace, and presently, almost all economies rely on industrialization for development. Though industries are playing a major role in the progress of nations, they are contaminating the environment. Further, the expansion of industries is a major contributor to water pollution. Since these industries produce lots of chemically toxic waste, they dump their waste into water bodies. On a daily basis, industries release harmful substances into the river bodies leading to contamination. Moreover, water pollution amplifies further when these polluted rivers flow into the sea. Hence, one polluted water body goes on to contaminate other water bodies. So, this is how industries play a role in causing water pollution by dumping chemical and radioactive waste into water bodies. To cite an example, fly ash is a very common industrial pollutant containing toxic metals. Coal power plants release large volumes of fly ash into water bodies causing large-scale contamination. Industries that are responsible the most for water pollution are engineering industries, paper industries, and textile industries.
More and more people are now moving to urban areas in search of better prospects of life. This trend has marked a great hike in the process of urbanization, causing environmental problems. Although this is not a direct cause of water contamination, it does have a share in the problem. Due to rapid urbanization, there is mismanagement of sanitation and treatment of water in cities and towns. This mismanagement is even more prominent in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Moreover, unplanned urbanization also leads to the improper disposal of wastewater. Cities are expanding beyond the limit of their population design. Effects of globalization along with those of urbanization have now started hurting the environment. Also, this puts an additional burden on the water management systems of cities, causing water pollution. As cities fail to treat their wastewater properly, untreated water goes back into the water channels. So, this is how urban expansions indirectly play a role in water degradation. According to a report published by UN-Water, rapid urbanization is one of the leading causes of water pollution. Also, it is a leading cause of the lack of proper sanitation in cities. This, coupled with population growth, is speeding up the process of contamination and scarcity of water. Pollution is proportional to population expansion, and the planet is suffering on all fronts due to population explosion.
("Urbanization | UN-Water", 2020)
Inadequate sewage treatment
Another leading cause of water pollution is the release of untreated water into water bodies. Domestic as well as industrial sewage have contributed to water pollution since the inception of human civilizations. Sewage flowing into the water bodies adds harmful pathogens to water, making it toxic. This further contaminates the entire cycle of the flow of a river or a canal. According to UNESCO, more than 80 percent of wastewater is released back into the water bodies without treatment. This percentage can even be as high as 95 percent in the least developed nations. So, domestic sewage and improper disposal of it are among the primary causes of water pollution. As the population grows, the volume of sewage polluting water is also increasing.
("2017 - Wastewater, The Untapped Resource | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", 2020)
People often associate deforestation with air pollution while discussing the causes of the latter. But deforestation is also a contributor to water pollution in an indirect way. Deforestation plays an active role in the increasing incidents of soil erosion. Further, this eroded soil enters water streams and pollutes various sources of water. So, as an indirect factor, even deforestation plays a role in water pollution. Soil erosion can further cause landslides that add debris to water bodies. So, in some way or the other, large-scale cutting of trees is a contributing factor to water pollution.
Plastics and garbage
On a daily basis, human beings litter the environment in some way or the other. Irresponsible individuals dump garbage items like glass, plastic, polythene, paper, or discarded metals into canals, lakes, and seas. This garbage degrades the quality of water in these bodies and makes them unfit for use. In fact, plastic is one of the biggest pollutants for any form of pollution. Moreover, plastic items take decades or even more to decompose and make the quality of water harmful. Each year, numerous aquatic animals die due to plastic water pollution that humans cause. As per WWF, more than 100,000 aquatic animals die each year due to plastic pollution. Further, more than 40 percent of aquatic creatures are affected by eating plastic.
("Plastic in our oceans is killing marine mammals," 2020)
Mining activities result in the generation of large quantities of radioactive waste. Inappropriate dumping of this radioactive waste causes pollution. At times, this radioactive waste is accidentally released into rivers or lakes. This further leads to the depletion of water resources due to contamination. Moreover, not only rivers and lakes but these waste materials also threaten groundwater and other aquatic resources.
Agriculture is a highly essential economic activity for every nation. Agriculture is indispensable, but some agricultural practices have a role to play in water pollution. Farm runoffs flowing into water bodies contain pesticides and fertilizers. These are common pollutants of water that degrade the quality of water and make it unfit. In agrarian economies, fertilizers and pesticides are responsible for a large proportion of water degradation. These fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus compounds which are harmful in nature. Hence, when these substances enter water bodies, there occurs contamination of marine ecosystems.
Failures in law compliance
There are various national and international laws that exist to prevent water pollution. But these laws often lack stringent application. Most nations do not exercise compliance with laws that aim to tackle water pollution. To illustrate, The water prevention and control act, 1974 in India is dedicated to controlling water pollution. The law prohibits the discharge of contaminating substances into water bodies beyond a certain limit. Moreover, the law even lays down penalties for non-compliance with norms. But due to the casual implementation of the law on industries, the law fails to curtail water pollution in India.
("Environment Laws In India - Environment - India", 2020)

Natural occurrences resulting in water pollution
Flooding is one leading natural cause of contamination of water in sources of water. Every year, many parts of the world witness flooding during the monsoon season. Not only it causes loss of infrastructure and lives, but it also degrades the quality of water in various sources. Further, when flooded water seeps into the water table, it also contaminates groundwater.
Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic eruptions also result in polluting of seas and oceans. During eruptions, magma is released into the sea, which pollutes the water and claims the lives of many marine animals. This magma contains toxic substances and gases that contaminate water and the environment.
Fuhrer, when lava falls in the water, hydrogen fluoride is precipitated from ash clouds. This toxic hydrogen fluoride degrades the quality of water and makes it harmful.
Acid Rain
Acid rain falling into rivers, streams, and lakes adds toxic substances to water leading to depletion of quality. Moreover, when acid rain flows through the soil, it leaches aluminum present in the soil and further flows into water bodies. So, acid rain can contribute to water pollution in more than one way.
Types of water pollution
Water pollution can be further divided into various categories of contamination. This classification is done on the various levels of water that get polluted or on the basis of sources. Below are some of the major types of water pollution.
Surface water pollution
Surface water pollution is the contamination of marine systems that exist above the ground. These systems include lakes, rivers, canals, and sea. The contamination of surface water occurs when runoffs from rainwater carry contaminants into water bodies. Moreover, it also occurs when human beings dispose of garbage in the water bodies. Also, it can happen due to industrial waste and disposal of untreated water.
Groundwater pollution
Groundwater is a vital asset for humanity. But the quality of this valuable asset is declining because of groundwater pollution. It occurs when toxic and harmful substances seep into the waterbed to deteriorate the quality of groundwater. Further, substances like gasoline, oil, and other harmful chemicals mix with groundwater and make it unfit for drinking. Mining is one of the leading causes of groundwater contamination.
Ocean water pollution
Oceans and seas are of immense importance to mankind and trade. Marine systems cater to more than 90 percent of global trade. Ocean water is becoming polluted at a fast pace due to various reasons. One of the major reasons for the contamination of oceans is marine transportation. The exotic cruise ships and other sea vessels dump human waste into the oceans. According to a study, cruise ships release more than 210,000 gallons of human sewage into oceans in a week’s voyage. Moreover, the discharge of ballast water from cruise ships is another cause of ocean pollution.
(Network, 2020)
Transboundary water pollution
Transboundary means beyond borders or international demarcations. Transboundary water pollution occurs when pollution originates from one nation and shows its damaging effects in another nation. An individual needs to understand first how pollutants travel from one nation to another. Transboundary water pollution occurs when countries share water bodies between them. So, pollutants travel from one boundary to another through marine transportation or surface runoffs. Also, ocean currents can cause pollutants to travel from one place to another. Moreover, contaminants can travel between international water bodies through marine birds. It is interesting to note that there are as many as 263 transboundary lakes and river basins that cover the planet. Hence, the chances of transboundary water pollution are high. Furthermore, depletion of transboundary water resources can also lead to bilateral and multilateral disputes.
Point source water pollution
Point source water pollution happens when there is a single source of pollution. Furthermore, one can identify this single source of pollution and create a strategy to combat the same. To explain, a water body can be contaminated by a single source of pollution or multiple sources of pollution. In point source water pollution, there is only a single origin of the contamination.
Non-point source water pollution
This form of water pollution occurs when there are multiple sources of contamination bringing harmful substances into a water body. In this case, it is difficult to identify the sources of pollution as there are many channels of it. Further, as there are various sources of it, finding solutions to this form of pollution can be difficult.
Effects of water pollution
Irresponsible human activities often have devastating effects on both humanity and the environment. In a similar manner, human activities leading to water contamination have severe effects. These effects are destructive for both human life as well as aquatic organisms. When humans consume contaminated water, they face several diseases and health problems. Moreover, water pollution also leads to the loss of aquatic species. Here are some of the alarming effects of water pollution on the environment and mankind.
Effects on human life
Fatal diseases in humans
According to The Lancet, polluted water caused 1.8 million deaths in the year 2015. Also, every year due to the consumption of contaminated water, around one billion people fall ill. These figures make it evident how the consumption of unclean water can lead to fatal diseases in humans. Contaminated water has disease-causing bacteria and viruses borne out of animal and human waste. To explain, cholera, dysentery, vibrio illness, and typhoid fever are some of the most common examples of bacterial diseases that can occur from unsafe drinking water. Further, some of the common viral diseases caused by unsafe water are hepatitis A, hepatitis E, and polio. Moreover, polluted water also serves as a breeding ground for parasitic diseases like malaria and head lice. Furthermore, in some areas, polluted water contains harmful chemical discharges from heavy industries. These toxic chemicals can lead to more severe and dreadful diseases in humans.
("Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know," 2020)
Skin and other infections in humans
Besides other health-related issues, contaminated water can also cause skin rashes and other skin diseases. So, even swimming in polluted water bodies can lead to various skin-related issues. According to some estimates, every year, 3.5 million Americans contract skin-related illnesses after coming in contact with polluted water. To substantiate, coastal water in some regions contains sewage discharge. This sewage containing water can cause skin rashes, pinkeye, hepatitis, and other infections.
("Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know," 2020)
Economic impacts
Economic outcomes of any scenario are of great importance to mankind. When there is an increase in the volume of water pollution, the costs humans require to treat water also increase. Further, to counter water contamination problems effectively, humans need to spend higher on sanitation, water treatment, watershed management, and other facilities. To cite a small domestic example, these days, due to the degradation of water quality, people spend large amounts of money on water purifiers, water treatment, or purchasing mineral water. Hence, water pollution creates economic problems for people as well as nations.
Effects on the environment
Loss of aquatic life
All ecosystems depend on each other for their survival and growth. Because more than 75 percent of the earth is covered with water, marine ecosystems form a large part of the environment. Due to the depletion of water resources, the ecosystem loses many species every year. Furthermore, marine life includes both aquatic plants and animals that must be preserved. When humans dump plastics, harmful chemicals, industrial and radioactive water bodies, aquatic organisms struggle to survive.
Disruptions in food chains
Water pollution is also responsible for disruption in the various food chains that exist in the ecosystem. This happens when toxins move from one level of the food chain to higher levels. Furthermore, in some cases, the contamination of water can even wipe out certain parts of the food chain. For instance, marine animals are consuming plastic dumped in water bodies mistaking it for food. Further, these marine animals die out or become unfit for human consumption. So, in such a scenario, the food chain in which humans consume fish or other marine animals becomes disrupted.
Solutions for minimizing water pollution
Modern problems require modern solutions, and in fact, water pollution is one of the most challenging contemporary issues. Solutions to the problem of water pollution need to come from individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations. All of these levels need to share the responsibility to save the resource of water from depleting. Clean drinking water is everyone’s right, and to safeguard it must be everyone’s responsibility. Listed below are some highly effective steps that can be taken to mitigate water pollution and related problems.
It is a common known fact that in most cases, human beings are not aware of the consequences of their actions. In a similar manner, most of them are unaware of the water crisis the world is heading towards. It is important to educate individuals about the repercussions of their irresponsible actions towards the environment. To substantiate, from primary education itself, schools should teach children about water pollution and how humans add to it. Students should be further told about the results of human activities like the dumping of polythene bags and plastics into water bodies. These students can then further educate society about the same and inculcate an environment-friendly approach from a young age. Hence, to resolve any issue, creating social or environmental awareness serves as the foundation.
Efficient sewage treatment
Domestic and industrial sewage is responsible for a large proportion of contamination of water. Further, in most countries, sewage water is not treated with efficiency. This sewage water is released into the waterways without proper treatment hence making the water unfit. It is worth noting that as much as 80 percent of the sewage water goes back into the water bodies untreated. Hence, to minimize water pollution and keep the resources of drinking water preserved, cities and towns need better wastewater treatment. This can be achieved with better planning of cities or restructuring to meet modern challenges. Moreover, wastewater treatment is done through different physical, chemical, or biological processes. Filtration, sedimentation, and distillation are common physical processes applied for treating water. On the other hand, the chemical process for treating water include chlorination and flocculation.
Reduced use of plastics
Plastics form a major source of contamination for all ecosystems. The rivers, lakes, and oceans of this planet are all suffering because of the widespread use of plastics by humans. Humans should voluntarily be conscious of their use of plastic and avoid plastics wherever possible. Plastic substances are polluting land, water, as well as air and humans, need to be proactive to stop this pollution from gaining momentum. Furthermore, governments can bring in laws that monitor or reduce the use of plastics by people. To cite an example, France has become the first nation in the world to completely ban daily use products that are made of plastics. These include plastic cups, plates, and other utensils. France achieved this after passing a ‘Plastic Ban’ law in the year 2016, and it sets a fine example for the world. In a similar manner, other nations and international organizations should also strengthen legal frameworks against plastic.
("Single-use plastic ban enters into effect in France," 2020)Responsible disposal of medical and chemical waste
Human activities generate large amounts of plastic and chemical wastes. Furthermore, humans fail to dispose of these toxic waste items in a proper manner and litter the environment. When this waste is not disposed of properly, it can accidentally flow into rivers and canals, causing contamination of water. So, human beings need to be more aware of the devastating effects of irresponsible waste disposal and dump chemical or medical waste through appropriate channels.
Better legal frameworks against water pollution
Laws and norms are important for society to function in a responsible and prudent manner. Legal frameworks against water pollution have much more to address than the use of plastics. So, when it comes to laws related to water pollution, either there are not enough laws or the existing laws lack implementation. Now when countries are coming together to discuss environmental issues and sustainable development goals, they should also look at water pollution as a major challenge. Furthermore, countries need to modify their legal structures to accommodate the issues of water contamination. This enables a more dedicated approach by governments towards resolving the water crisis. To exemplify, in 2006, the Malaysian government amended the ninth schedule of its federal constitution to set up the National Water Services Commission. This commission is dedicated to making the water sector stronger and efficient in battling pollution. Moreover, since this commission draws its authority from the constitution itself, it has great powers to operate against water pollution. (2020)
On the other hand, the Trump Administration in the US is weakening the Clean Water Act passed in 1972. This act has proven to be immensely successful in improving the quality of water resources in the US for decades. Rolling back this act can prove to be a detrimental policy measure. Further, this rollback can once again lead US waters to pollution and contamination, causing severe diseases in citizens. Hence, governments around the world have to be responsible for their policies on the environment. Governments must bolster the legal frameworks in the direction of water pollution rather than weakening them. ("Crystal clean water? Not if Trump can help it", 2020)
Note: In case you want a dedicated water pollution essay with reference to the situations in Malaysia, then you can contact our Assignment Help Malaysia team. Our team is always.
Supporting environment charities
There are some charities or environmental organizations that are working relentlessly to save this planet. Providing financial support to charities that are working in the field of water conservation or watershed protection is also an effective solution. There are many organizations working in this direction at international or local levels. Furthermore, these independent organizations have the expertise to deal with environmental problems effectively. So, individuals who cannot directly participate in the process of bringing vital environmental changes can support such organizations. For instance, the World Water Council is an independent organization that is working on critical water issues since 1996. Further, it has launched various initiatives to resolve issues related to water pollution.
("Home | World Water Council," 2020)Use of organic fertilizers
Fertilizers and pesticides used by farmers to protect their crops cause water pollution when they flow into the waterways. Commonly used fertilizers include nitrogen and phosphorous compounds that adulterate water. Further, this adulterated water becomes unfit for drinking or domestic use. To solve this, farmers can switch to the use of natural fertilizers or insecticides that save their crops as well as the environment. These organic fertilizers do not interfere with the environment, and this way, a farmer can conserve his plantations as well as the environment.
Water pollution essay
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“Water pollution and scarcity- a problem for the coming masses”
It is well known to all of us how valuable water is for human civilizations to dwell. What we also know well is that water can soon become a scarce luxury for us. Climate change is for real, and we need to address it with urgency. We only have ourselves to blame for the fast-paced depletion of our planet’s water resources. Furthermore, not only are human activities wasting this valuable resource, but our actions are also polluting water bodies. This further leads to a scenario where most parts of the world are exposed to losing their access to safe and clean drinking water. Water inadequacy is caused due to physical shortage of water as well as the contamination of existing water resources. While all the natural resources are exhausting gradually due to population growth, water scarcity and pollution demand immediate attention. Further, even global warming is playing a role in the depletion of water resources. We are answerable to our future generations for how we shape up the environment for them. Further, our actions today define the future of this planet and how it treats the coming masses. So, needless to say, we have to be diligent in our responsibilities towards the environment and our upcoming generations. An alarming report by UNICEF highlights the fact that by 2040 more than 600 million children are going to live in areas of high water stress. Are we going to gift them a toxic planet where survival only becomes a matter of chance? In this essay, we focus on how the prevailing water issues threaten the planet and the future of generations to come next. Furthermore, we also discuss some pragmatic solutions we can undertake to protect the future of this planet and mankind. ("Thirsting for a Future: Water and children in a changing climate," 2020)
Before we move further, we need to understand some basic causes of water scarcity and pollution. These causes can be born out of human activities or natural occurrences. Primarily, talking about human activities responsible for the scarcity of water, wastage is a leading cause. We have learned about the judicious use of our planet’s natural resources, but we still choose not to be prudent in this direction. Wastage of water while bathing, brushing, watering plants, or washing are all common causes for the increasing inadequacy of water resources. Moreover, when we litter the landmasses with garbage and plastics, they further flow into rivers and lakes, causing contamination. Also, wrong agricultural and irrigation practices contribute to both scarcity and pollution of water. At last, industries remain a leading cause of widespread water pollution as they release large volumes of toxins into the water bodies. Probing further, natural occurrences like floods, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis are also responsible for adding to the water crisis. Next, we need to understand what threats our actions of today are exposing the next generations too.
To begin with, the first obvious threat we are exposing ourselves, and our next generations is that of health risks. Both shortage of water and its contamination is slowly depriving the planet of clean and safe drinking water. So, the increasing unavailability of safe drinking water is steering us towards many bacterial and viral infections. Further, some of these infections can even prove to be fatal. According to the World Health Organization, drinking contaminated water can lead to diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhea, and polio. Further, WHO reports 485,000 diarrhoeal deaths each year because of the consumption of contaminated water. Moreover, more than 780 million people on this planet lack access to safe drinking water. These figures are evident enough to understand the gravity of the situation. Water is necessary for survival, and when people lose their access to clean drinking water, they have to rely on unsafe resources. Further, these contaminated sources of water lead bring a plethora of illnesses with them. So, the next time you intentionally pollute any of the water bodies, you must remember these figures. We surely need to stop being ignorant of water pollution and scarcity before it is too late. Imagine how horrific the future of this planet is going to be when millions of people lose their lives each year due to the contamination of water. Is this the kind of planet we want to leave for our children? ("Drinking-water", 2020)
Moreover, due to lack of water, our children and grandchildren can be exposed to problems of sanitation in the future. The World Health Organisation states that in the least developed nations, more than 20% of health care facilities do not have water service and sanitation services. This percentage is likely to hike in the coming years if the present trends continue to prevail. Further, even the developed nations are going to be impacted by the effects of water scarcity. Also, scarcity of water comes with economic repercussions for everyone. Even now, we spend large sums of money on packaged water and purification of water to ensure safety. The coming generations are going to have to spend even larger amounts of money on the same. Our kids and grandkids might have to completely rely on mineral water bottles to stay safe. This culture of packaged water creates additional expenses. Do you feel reluctant to drink water from your office pantry or your college’s purifier? Most of us prefer carrying water from home or buy mineral water. These apprehensions and expenditures are only going to increase with time. Also, day-to-day activities can be stalled or delayed for future generations when water supplies are not sufficient. Basic activities like washing dishes, washing automobiles, watering plants, and so on can be interrupted because of water shortage. So, we can clearly see that in the kind of future that comes with a dire scarcity of water and high levels of pollution, survival can be a massive struggle. Our irresponsible usage of water is posing great threats to the peaceful existence of our future generations. Furthermore, industries can be impacted by the scarcity of water as water is a necessity for industries to function. As per the Coca-Cola Environment Analysis, industries are already suffering due to a lack of water resources. Coca-Cola, the leading beverage company, has admitted that its operations are impacted due to the lesser availability of water. Such a scenario further threatens the prospects of jobs and opportunities for the next generations. We can well imagine a scenario where many industries might have to shut down in the future due to the shortage of water. So, the scarcity of water can affect the future of this planet and its people in many challenging ways. Let us ask ourselves yet again, are we ready to make our kids pay the exorbitant price of our actions? If the answer is no, let us highlight some basic solutions we can undertake to mitigate these problems.
To encapsulate, it can be concluded that our actions are leading the world towards a water crisis. We are exposing our future generations and kids to challenges they might not even be prepared to face. Wastage of water and the rampant human practices polluting water sources are leading us to the point of no return. The world is almost on the brink of losing most of its clean water assets. To make sure these resources last for the longest, there is a lot that we can do as individuals and as a community. All of us have to share the responsibilities to address issues of water scarcity and water pollution.
Water pollution needs to be looked at with the same amount of urgency and diligence as air pollution. Contamination of rivers, lakes, and oceans is exposing all ecosystems to risks related to survival. Furthermore, there are various sources of water pollution that individuals must learn about. Before discussing solutions, it is imperative that people identify the causes and types of water pollution. This identification enables better planning for resolving issues of water pollution and related problems. Furthermore, when it comes to solutions, governments have to ensure efficient legal policies and also their implementation. All the solutions for conserving the quality of water require immediate action. In fact, humanity is running a race against time to conserve this planet and future generations. In order to protect the planet, there is a lot to do amid a shortage of time.
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