Cookie policy

Welcome to our cookie policy. We would like to inform you with utmost diligence how our cookie policy works to enhance your experience. Our website uses cookies to establish a difference between you and other users on our website so that we can render a more personalized experience to you.

Let us learn a little about cookies

To explain, cookies are minute text files containing small elements of data like usernames and passwords. They are put to use to identify your computer or device when you visit a website on a network. HTTP cookies are used to identify specific users on a website with the objective of offering enhanced user experiences to distinguishable users. A unique ID is generated for labeling the data that is unique and particular to a designated user or device. The data contained in the cookie is generated by the server subject to a connection.

Our Cookie Policy

We are committed and diligent in our pursuit of offering warm, personalized, and optimized experiences to our users. Hence, we follow a cookie policy on our website that comes into effect after your express your consent. When you choose to continue to browse our website, you agree to our cookie policy and give us the nod to bring our cookies to use. Cookies help us to determine the number of users or visitors on our website and also help us understand their browsing patterns and preference of content.

When you pay a visit to our website for the first time, a cookie gets logged into your system or device. You can choose to block some or all cookies by visiting the settings of your browsers. However, that can result in you not being able to access all the content and sections on our website. Therefore, we suggest that you should not block essential cookies for an uninterrupted and smooth user experience on our website.

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