Here is an outright guide to help you write conclusion
George Willson | 13 May,2021
Writing is certainly not an easy task. You require to go through a detailed process of conceptualisation, ideation, structuring and then formulation. In fact, being a student, it gets even tougher for you to think and write in such depth. More than the beginning, one area, where most of you have been experiencing difficulties to put your words right, is the conclusion part. So, this blog is especially written to provide you a comprehensive guideline to write your conclusion correctly.
What is a conclusion?
Reasoning draws a conclusion, but does not make a conclusion certain, unless the mind discovers it by the path of experience
Roger Bacon
As rightly said by Roger Bacon, it does require a lot of experience to write a perfect conclusion. However, through this blog we extend our best support to help you understand the concept. To begin with, the conclusion, in simple words, is reiteration of your vision, which you have discussed in your write up presented along with a word of advice. This is the bridge that mends the gap between your vision and accomplishment. Here, you present your final note to your reader. So, a conclusion not only has to be informative but persuasive as well.
In case of educational write- ups, you need to make sure that whichever type of assignment you are drafting, you must end it well with a concluding note. It is with the help of a strong conclusion that you can easily form a positive impression on your teacher and help yourself score high marks. Additionally, many college papers and assignments carry crucial marks for writing proper conclusions, therefore it becomes even more significant for you to learn the art of writing conclusions.
In case, you are finding difficulties in finishing up your assignment with the right conclusion, then you can contact our professional academic writers. We, at Assignmenthelp4me, assure that all your expectations are fulfilled, whether you order us a small portion of your assignment or the entire draft. Thus, you can free yourself from all tensions, once you handover the details of your assignment task to our efficient task masters.
Effective and ineffective conclusion
The ending note of every paper has to be highly effective in order to leave a long lasting impression on your reader. Whether it is for an educational paper or for a normal reader, a conclusion is meant to attract maximum attention of your audience, because it gives you the last chance to present your thoughts. Also, it is due to the fact that the conclusion is your ending paragraph, you must not let this final opportunity go waste. Thus, in no ways you should present your reader with an ineffective conclusion.

To explain in brief, an ineffective conclusion is one which lacks the essence to hook the reader’s mind with your thought. It actually does not leave any mark on the reader's mind, due to which your audience stays unaffected by your writing. On the other hand, an effective conclusion is highly provocative as it challenges the mind of your reader beyond the limits of the writing in concern. This is the reason that the same conclusion leaves a strong impact on your reader and it keeps him intrigued for long.
Additionally, an effective conclusion helps you to score high marks in your college assignment and provides you the chance to make a positive impression on your professor. Moreover, it is the power of words with which you end your write up that urges your reader to re- read your name and in fact remember your points till long.
7 Strategies that can help you write an effective conclusion
Now, the task is to write an effective conclusion, which paves the path of high scores or high audience appreciation for you. Before actually learning to write an applaudable conclusion, here are some strategies, which you need to take care of. These pointers will help you strategize your thoughts in alliance to the writing requirements, which will take you a step closer to your actual purpose of writing conclusions. These can help you by serving the purpose of instant assignment help for you.

Let your content achieve a full circle
It is the most important aspect of every write up. Whichever type of assignment you are writing, you need to make sure that you showcase the accomplishment of its very purpose. In most of the cases, you have a thesis statement to be written in the initial paragraphs. So, in conclusion, you have to restate your same purpose in different words.
Moreover, you can also authenticate by mentioning the valuable facts and examples presented in the body of the write -up. It is when you showcase that your objective has been achieved, then you can easily sustain the attention of your reader. Additionally, the rightful accreditation of all the information mentioned, further aids you in getting the much required score in your college assignment.
Inclusion of the ‘So What’ element
This works best, when you feel stuck and are not finding any way to conclude your assignment task. You simply need to turn your assignment statement into question and answer the same with your conclusion. It should simply put your thoughts in a concluding way and it would make the reader feel that a great concluding end has been given to the writing in a conversational manner.
Make it interesting
The conclusion has to come with an interesting point, which keeps the reader's mind involved even long after he leaves your page. There has to be a magnetic effect in your write- up that the reader gets attracted to your points and he feels moved after going through the concept. In fact if you succeed in creating such magic in your assignments, then it gets really easy for you to score high in your college assessments, as it is not possible for everyone to leave such an impact.
Don't just summarise
A summary is not all that is required to be written in the conclusion. You need to present all the points together in a sync. Moreover, the conclusion should be showcased in a manner that it features the value of your content and justifies your take. Furthermore, it is a final call to your reader to make him believe what you said, so it needs to be done in a light yet persuasive manner.
Write simple
The key to powerful writing is to write in a simple and understandable language. Many of you might think that if you use heavy words, you would be able to impress your reader or the teacher in case of assignments. However, the truth is totally the opposite. The more simple you write, the better scores you earn in your college assignments. Additionally, by writing in simple language, you get the opportunity to explain things in detail, which is quite difficult to achieve when you adopt the method of flowery writing.
Empower your words with impactful thoughts
Your words are the source which give voice to your thoughts. Thus, if you want to make a better impact, you need to brush up your thinking skills. For this, you need to read a lot and nourish your brain to work in the right direction. It is when you are highly informed then only you can present significant examples, thoughts and figures in your writing. Further, when you add persuasive thoughts into the conclusion, then you automatically move a step closer to achieve great marks in your college assignment.
Let them probe further
Adding an unexpected but highly relatable question to the conclusion is a great key that hooks up the interest of your reader. It encourages him to analyse the subject with a deeper perspective and makes him more connected to your writing. Further to the question, you can come up with an answer in the form of advice, which should be friendly and light. There should be no inclusion of the words like ‘must’/ ‘will’ in the suggestions you give. It is because none of us can predict the future, so it is always safe to use gentle words while answering a question with an opinion.
How to write a strong conclusion
Once, you have all the strategies planned in your mind, now is the step to pen down your conclusion. So, here is the mention of 7 elements, which prove to be the supporting elements for you to draft your conclusion.

Take the opposite track
A concluding paragraph should always start with something specific and move towards general, which is totally different from the introductory paragraphs. It is with this approach that you are able to clearly define the conclusion of your write- up and the same gets easily communicated to the reader.
Add power to your ending paragraph with a suitable quote
Using this technique is always useful, as it not only adds quality to your content, but also keeps your reader connected till the end. In case, you are not aware of any relatable quote then you can easily search on the net and always remember to credit the writer of the quote in your respective concluding paragraph. This citation further increases the credibility of your writing and helps you get acknowledged as a trustworthy writer or a student.
Link it back to your thesis
Your conclusion should always showcase that you have accomplished your purpose of writing. This step holds high importance, as the reader gets reassured of his objective of reading the content.
Remember it is not a summary
As discussed in the strategies, the role of conclusion is larger than just presenting the summary. You need to first reaffirm this fact to your mind before writing, that conclusion is not the process of rewriting the same points in different languages. Its context has to be broader in the sense that readers should get food for a thought. It further implies that your conclusion should have prevocational angle, be it inspirational, challenging or exciting, which binds the thoughts of the reader with your write up for long.
Add an advice
Along with engaging your reader with an exciting question, you also need to provide soft advice for its solution. Adding an advice to your conclusion is always beneficial, as it makes the reader feel that he has collected something insightful from the writing and his trust towards your informative piece increases.
Maintain the cohesion
In addition to the formulation of all the above points, it is necessary for you to not leave the cohesive element of our write- up. Always remember, a good writing has not only close knit sentences, but also consists of beautifully connected paragraphs. Same, needs to be perfectly achieved for the conclusion by linking it well with the previous points you have mentioned in your writing.
No new information
Make sure that no new information is added in the conclusion. In the above sections, when it is mentioned, you need to include a broader concept in your conclusion, it does not mean that you have to add on new information, it just means that you have to introduce your audience with the future possibilities of the same topic. In fact, by adding new information, you tend to confuse your reader rather than providing a solution to his search. Therefore, it is always recommended to not mention any new information in the conclusion.
How to start a conclusion
Conclusion in every way is the concluding statement, that gives a light yet effective ending to your write up. Gone are the days when we used to start conclusion with phrases like ‘To conclude’, ‘In conclusion’ or ‘to sum up’. These not only have gone obsolete but also discourages the audience to read your text further. So, you need to adopt some creative methods to make sure that every word of your conclusion counts and is valued by your teacher and the reader.

3 basic ways of starting the conclusion are
Start directly with the very outcome of your research
A conclusion is supposed to work just opposite the introduction paragraph. However, one must follow a proper style as in guide to how to write an introduction. To mention about the conclusion, a short crisp and a direct start to the concluding statement is no wrong. This would in fact help the reader in depicting the right conclusion from your writing. Also, a clear cut conclusion is an appropriate way to get maximum marks in your college assignment.
An interesting quote that matches your subject
You can start your conclusion with an interesting quote that matches your subject and in every way concludes your topic of the assignment or the article in question. In fact by starting with a quote, you give a new hope to your reader and fill his mind with positivity again.
Reaffirm the thesis statement
Your conclusion in every way should support your ideology of writing the essay. Thus, you can directly restate your thesis statement but make sure that you put it in different words. Additionally, it should be written with a deeper analysis with the mention of examples already cited in the body paragraphs.
Conclusion structure and examples for various Assignment writings
Other than the above mentioned general conclusion strategies and structure, every educational writing has a different format to be followed in its conclusion. Thus, to make it easier for you, we have divided the conclusion writing section into sub- sections. This can prove to be a great assignment help support for you.

Research paper is certainly one of the most prevalent assignment types that you get as a part of your college curriculum. Also, these papers carry huge marks which count in your internal assessments, which make it even more important to write the research papers in a proper way. Again, the area, where you fall short of words after penning down your entire research is the conclusion part. Thus, here is a small yet descriptive snapshot of conclusion writing to help you write the conclusion of your research paper.
Structure in detail:
Start the paragraph
by restating the thesis statement with a different set of words. This is done to assure that you have successfully accomplished your aim, which you set for yourself as a part of the research task. However, you must make sure that you do not repeat the words, rather present the concept with a better expression.
Recap the main points discussed
In the next line, you need to reintroduce your reader with your research points, you have validated your thesis statement with, in your paper. This again should be done in a sync, so that your reader is able to recapitulate the crux of your findings and should be able to relate it well with the purpose of your research.
Take the inquisitive route
This is generally referred as the call to action plan, which is introduced in the conclusion part to intrigue the reader further and involve him in the paper till the end. Also, it is not necessary to include this in all the research paper conclusions.
Propose your solution
It is a step further to the question you raised in the conclusion. It is mostly recommended to present it as an advice in your conclusion part. Also, if you include a piece of advice in your concluding paragraph, must ensure that it should have a strong preposition and hold much significance in the relative subject.
Note: If you are still finding it tough to write a conclusion for your research paper, then we at Assignmenthelp4me, are even available to just write down the conclusion for you.

An essay is generally a feature which incorporates the view of the writer to a larger extent. It showcases the respective topic through the lens of his perception. However, the purpose of your essay may vary in accordance to its type, therefore the structure is largely dependent on the same. To briefly summarize, the conclusion of a general essay must include the following.
A specific beginning
The beginning of the conclusion of an essay has to be highly specific. It means that your stand on the essay should be clear in the first two lines of the conclusion itself. This provides an ease to the reader to understand the conclusion that has been drawn from the above discussed points in the essay.
Restating the topic
Along with clarifying your take, you also need to connect it properly with the aim of the essay. This further completes the full circle and successfully forms a connection of your conclusion with the purpose of the essay.
Broad representation of all the crucial points
This is very important, that in addition to the 1st and 2nd point, you provide the reader with a in-depth yet short evaluation of the crucial points discussed in the essay. However, this description should not be limited to the points discussed in the body paragraphs of the essay. It should actually focus on the futuristic elements of the same topic.
Boost value with a worthwhile suggestion
Moving further, you need to provide a suggestion related to the topic in discussion, which is highly valuable for the reader. Also, the advice you give has to be achievable and but at the same time should force the reader to think out of box.
Note: We at Assignmenthelp4me, believe that no work is small! This is the reason, we are 24*7 available for all kinds of assignment writings, you face difficulty in. In fact, you can even order us to write just the conclusion part of your assignment and we would be more than happy to serve you.

An argumentative essay is one that needs your viewpoint on the topic of discussion with valid points as supportive arguments. It is very important to present your take in detail, to convince your reader with your thoughts and bring him on your side. However, one very significant part of the whole writing procedure is the concluding paragraph, which sometimes gets tough to put in words. Thus, to help you in writing the conclusion of an argumentative essay, here is a small brief of the same.
Rewrite your take of the discussion
The aim of the conclusion of the argumentative essay, is to reconfirm your view on the topic. Therefore, it is necessary for you to write it in simple yet effective words. You should make appropriate use of rightful words that explain your viewpoint very clearly to your reader. Moreover, simple writing is always preferred by your teachers, which further helps you gain better scores in your assignment.
State its implication again
Further to your view point, you need to tell why you have chosen this part, yet again in a polite and affirmative manner. Though, you have supported your view point with valid statements in the body paragraphs, but this is important to again credit your take, mentioned in the concluding paragraph.
Address emotional and social benefits, if any
This can be done in cases, where you are writing essays on social causes, health or environmental problems. The emotional angle can be added in the form of a quote or suggestion, that you find appropriate for the respective issue in concern.
Adding a possible explorative question
Further to the quote or suggestion, you can pose a futuristic question based on the same lines. It would not only help you connect with your audience more, but would help their mind exercise a little by diving deep into the possibilities of the question mentioned.
Providing suggestion/ Leaving it open ended (optional)
Moving further, if you wish to provide a one liner suggestion for the question, you just raised, you can write a possible exploration. In other cases, you can even leave the question unanswered and let the audience ponder over it.
Note: In case, you are facing difficulties in writing a perfect conclusion to your argumentative essay. Do not hesitate, just come to us, we at Assignmenthelp4me, feel obliged to welcome all your assignment related queries and take every step possible to provide a dependable and trustworthy assignment solution to you. In fact, we can even teach you how to do annotated bibliography, which is a must to support the credibility of your assignment.
Writing an efficient and impressive conclusion does require correct strategizing and proper implementation of each step. Thus, you need to be careful that the structure of the conclusion is in accordance with the type of write- up you are planning to draft. It is after you align everything perfectly, you can give a celebratory ending your assignment task.
How do I write a good conclusion?
A conclusion is the comprehensive writing that sums up the entire essay in one paragraph. It should not include any new point about the respective topic but should give suggestions for the future implications in the field.
How do you conclude a conclusion?
A conclusion should be concluded with a suggestion on the topic. It should guide the reader with the future steps that should be taken as corrective measures for the same.