An explicit essay on Human Trafficking and its impacts
Businesses from ages have evolved from the smaller to the larger scales, ranging from the coal to the paper industry. The types and the areas of businesses have revolutionized with the passage of time. People are no more stuck with the traditional ways of earning money. They have evolved many new concepts and techniques for making money. These changes in businesses have given birth to many positive as well as negative prospects. In other words, it can be said that the race to earn money has made people mean, really mean. They have adopted certain unlawful and unacceptable means to earn a living. One such means which is not only horrendous but is extremely unethical is human trafficking. It has come out to be a web, which is spreading its influence in almost every part of the world. It is undoubtedly being done by all means of unethical sources. The practitioners are generally in dire need of money, which lands them in the hands of devil humans. These people then misuse the need and irony of a human’s life for their own benefits.
Definition of human trafficking
Human trafficking in literal terms can be called the vicious cycle of flesh trade. It is also defined as the transportation, harboring, or recruitment of persons for exploitation, prostitution, slavery, forced labor, or even the removal of organs. This is done by the means of force, fraud, abuse, abduction, or buying the human from the one whom the victim is dependent on. Also, human trafficking is not just limited to sexual exploitation, there are many other ways in which a human is being bound and put into forced exertion, without his consent for the same.
In fact, beggars on the roadside or on the red light in many developing or underdeveloped nations are not always there begging by their own wish. They are a result of many scandalous groups, who forcibly put humans into the culture of begging. These people are made visually impaired or physically handicapped to lead a miserable life. Then with no other option in hand, they are forced to join the obnoxious group of beggars
Factors influencing human trafficking

The web of human trafficking is even larger and deeper than anyone can think. This is one swamp that digs a person deeper and deeper into it. From one to two to hundreds of top thousands, the network keeps on multiplying, which results in more exploitation and even more detrimental results. It is no other than humans who have given birth to this vicious cycle for their own murky benefits.
There is a huge ratio of people in the employment world who are highly vulnerable. These are the people who are in dire need of money and have got many people as dependents on them. In fact, human traffickers are always in search of people who are accessible for such tasks. It is after judging the true potential of a person and evaluating his financial situation, that the human traffickers attack or propose their so-called helping hand to them. The needs of the people fall prey to their trap and they surrender themselves for the happiness of their families and children.
One of the major reasons for vulnerability is an abusive experience during childhood. Most people say that it is the sexual or physical abuse they have experienced during their childhood, which makes them ineffective in the present difficulties. The present exploitation does not harm their soul, because that has already been ruptured by the incidents of the past. They say that terms like self-esteem and personal boundaries have already been shacked much before in their childhood, which makes it a lot easier for them to accept the situations of the present. (Reasons People Become Vulnerable to Trafficking, n.d.)
More than this homelessness is one other crucial factor that makes a human prone to their darker areas of life. The desire for a financially stable life without the miseries of empty stomach and loneliness pushes a human being into this pit. Further, the traffickers lure soft targets with fake promises and tempting them with the idea of affluence and prosperity, and then afterward exploit the dreams and ambitions of people for their own benefits. A very simple example of sexual abuse is when a person cracks down the personal life of another person by forming a forceful sexual relationship with him or her. Then the same person starts exploiting his partner to get indulged in sexual acts with his other friends for some money. The girl or the boy often agrees to this because of the emotional connection and the financial need, which pushes him or her into the trap of constant physical abuse. This slowly takes the shape of a maze, from which the person is not able to take himself out. (Reasons People Become Vulnerable to Trafficking, n.d.)
The effects of globalisation
Along with a myriad of benefits in an unprecedented duration of time, globalization has introduced the human race to a set of difficulties too. These difficulties have time and again proven that humans have low self-esteem and low self-control. In other words, the dazzling world of fame and money has incited people to trespass their ethical dilemmas to take the path of immorality to meet ends. Getting dragged into the battle of human trafficking is again due to many such reasons. The exposure to the aura of highly developed societies and the ultra-modern world has blurred the lines between modernity and indecency. This is pushing people to work harder and even much beyond their personal boundaries and comfort. This all is also a resultant of the underlined gender discrimination problem in society.
This further has shed the difference between the needs and wants of people. With more options in hand, people today want to grab on as much as possible, which results in higher expenses and enhanced financial responsibilities. To lighten the load and fulfill the growing needs of the family, people tend to get swayed by the fraudulent promises of human trafficking. This is when they step into the unethical world of human degradation.
Under development
Like being ultra-modern can sometimes blur the lines between right and wrong, under development pushes the people into the shackles. With underdevelopment comes the orthodox approach, the belief to subdue the identity of the women. These are the countries where sexual violence can be commonly seen. Moreover, here the people are not much educated and aware to raise their voice against the wrong. They do not have the knowledge of how the atrocities of the men should be dealt with. The buying and selling of human flesh for pleasure is one very common practice in underdeveloped nations. Moreover, all this is done without the consent of the victim by a person who claims to own him or her on the basis of some blood relation.
Sometimes, people also wish to move to a developed state or a place where their talent is given a higher value. This is when they get exploited and caught in the hands of the human traffickers who trick people by offering the best-paid jobs to make handsome money that can sustain the modern lifestyle. These then force most victims into prostitution, which then takes the shape of blackmailing and thus becomes a continuous business for the human traffickers.
One universal reason for human trafficking is poverty. The need to fulfill three basic necessities of life for self and family pushes a human being into this uncertain world. Further, the unethical laws of this very field make a man go through various difficulties to ultimately earn food, shelter, and clothes. Also, the human traffickers generally look for the soft spot of the human needs and then target people on the basis of their respective needs. It can be the need for emotional support, sexual desires, financial conditions, or even the desire to upscale their living conditions. The reasons for the same vary as per the financial conditions and the area of living.
Moreover, the desire of a person to live a healthy and fruitful life generally drags him to get involved in degrading tasks. Also, these are the shortcuts to earn thousands of dollars, which is why people generally get lured into such practices. It is also when a person wants to upgrade their living standards and wants to give their family a normal life, they tend to get driven by such unauthentic means of earning money. The daily tensions of life and the appetite for food are crucially strong elements to push someone into the blazing flames of human trafficking.
Further migration from the lesser impoverished areas to the highly impoverished ones is yet another compelling reason that makes an individual vulnerable to human trafficking groups. Further, the exploitation of the poor people in the wealthier nations is an undisputed fact. (POVERTY AND IT’S CONTRIBUTION TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING, n.d.)
Wars and violent conflicts have been sighted to be yet another set of reasons for the increase in the ratio of human trafficking. These have always been the reasons to demotivate the people and bring down their morale levels. The destruction and moral devaluation caused by the continuous physical altercations and disagreement leads a person to experience mental imbalance. This can come out in the form of forced labor, sexual exploitation, or even human displacement. With wars in the scene, the total physical development of the human population comes to a halt. This increases the vulnerability of the people to dangerous human traffickers, who target the refugees or the emotionally broken people. The rulers or the winners of the war target the tragic situation of the humans and misuse their weak conditions in abusive ways.
Sexual violence, armed conflict, slavery, and transnational organized crime are a few of the outcomes of war and violence. In fact, according to a report produced by Nuncio, wars and violent conflicts are the prime drivers of human trafficking across the globe. (Service, n.d.)
Impact of human trafficking
Human trafficking has a very detrimental effect on the growth of the mind of an individual. Along with breaking down the person emotionally, it also acts as an invader to the personal life of the human being. It imbalances the entire life of the person and puts him on an unending road of troubles. The impacts of human trafficking can be clubbed on the basis of groups or individual or economic effects. A brief introduction of each of the effects is detailed below:
Individual effects
Human trafficking has dire consequences on the future of individuals. It not only breaks the person emotionally but also gives him a setback for a lifetime. The effects on the mental psyche of a person range from being abused, raped, devastated to even death. It is also because, when they are forced into degrading acts like prostitution, forced labor, or slavery, it often undermines their confidence. They begin to lose their self-respect, which leaves an ever-lasting impact on their minds. In many cases, people go into depression or even lose their mental balance.
In the case of women, they have to undergo various mind-threatening problems, which shatter them totally. These effects put them in highly disrespectful conditions and they are rarely able to rise up in their own eyes ever again. Moreover, the health impacts of slavery and prostitution on the body of a woman are beyond imagination. Not only does a woman lose her dignity but she also gets weaned off from every hope to have a family of her own. These practices are even more prevalent in developed countries like the US, where such defying acts are carried out by middlemen. These people run their rackets underground and have huge teams working across the borders. It is believed that 600,000- 800,000 people are trafficked across nations, annually, which does not include the numbers that are trafficked within countries of origin.
The political impact of human trafficking
Every country in the world today is facing unacceptable challenges, which are putting the political situation at risk. Human trafficking practices like sexual abuse or forced labor are becoming highly common in every part of the world. This is further adding on to various other crimes which are increasing phenomenally in these countries. In fact, countries like South Africa and Madagascar have become the source points of children women who are put into illegal human trafficking practices like forced labor and sex. This puts the political stability of the country at stake and even adds to many other unwelcomed changes. Further, there is a direct relation between the increase in a political crisis and the increase of human trafficking practices. As it has been seen in Madagascar, after March 2009, the country has experienced great instability in the political situation and economic conditions, which has boosted the number of illegal activities in the state. The number of people falling prey to human traffickers has also increased to a great extent, with more people wanting to move from the lesser developed to a highly developed country.
(Human Trafficking, n.d.)
Thus, the basic need of the man to survive, takes him forward to many unacceptable conditions, which are often not beneficial for the politics as well as the economics of the country.
Economic impacts of human trafficking
Human trafficking as discussed is a clear-cut result of the low economic conditions of a country. When a country is not able to provide its people the appropriate resources of employment and the ways to grow further, people fall prey to the wrong hands of human traffickers. Thus, the futuristic people who wish to achieve greatness in their careers in the future, get lured by the dazzling amounts which human traffickers promise to pay them. Moreover, there is never a direct or trustful deal between them. These innocents are often misguided in the name of growing job opportunities or fancy careers such as modeling or acting. It is after reassuring the economic condition of the family at home, then the human traffickers take the person along to another country and exploit him in whichever way possible.
The countries with high human trafficking practices carried in and across the borders, also become weak on their national levels. It often tends to lose the potential to grow any further because of the loss of worthy labor. The trust of the people in such governments is always questionable and the people left in the country also keep looking for better opportunities outside the country.
Moreover, the global economic crisis has given birth to the need for cheap labor. This even adds numbers to the number of people who are put into forced labor. This comes out to be an endless cycle, which is putting the economic as well as the political situation of every country at stake.
The impact of the rule of law on human trafficking
Strong and strict laws in every country of the world are required to stop the practice of human trafficking. However, this particular crime has unending knots and unlimited faces, which turn out to be a mystery to solve. The deceitful face of the crime changes its strategy every time the latter gets cracked through. It is a business that people are following for a living. Therefore it is the people’s business that is eating up the integrity and dignity of the people of this world. To actually abolish this from the roots, changes in the mindset of the people are required. The ideology of the criminals needs to be combated and the very base of their business needs to be shaken. Not to miss, many laws have been made and amended to bring a significant end to the unlawful practices of human trafficking. Few of the laws which have been made to bring a determining change are discussed in the sections below.
International instruments to action
To combat the problem of human trafficking, many countries have formed lawful institutions to keep a check on such activities. These are spread across the world in various countries and in various forms.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
It is a federal government agency formed by the US Chamber of Commerce. Under the Blue Campaign, the US Department of Homeland Security provides information and education to its employees in the hospitality sector. It is done via a tool kit through which the agency aims to raise awareness in its people about human trafficking and the means adopted for it. It even has many partners, which it brings into use to make its people aware of the illegal practices and how such acts can be identified, dealt with, and can be reported to the legal authorities. (Commerce, n.d.)
US Department of Labour
Every year an international Labour Affair of the US Department of Labour gets released under the name Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor. This is done to address the problem of child labor and child abuse and evaluate that every country has made respectable changes in the past year with respect to laws for child labor. This report also accounts for the details of the solutions and the changes that every country should undertake to bring possible changes in the acts of child labor. (Commerce, n.d.)
American Trucking associations
A man-to-man campaign was launched in February 2018 by America’s Road Team and Truckers to fight against the parasite of human trafficking. The group that launched this campaign is called America’s Trucking associations. It was done with the view that the trucking industry today plays a significant role in the transportation of cheap labor across borders. So, it can play a central role in eliminating the so-called modern-day slavery which mainly comes under forced labor from the system of national transport. Under this, the truck drivers are educated to make a call at National Human Trafficking Hotline if and when they suspect any doubtful act with respect to human trafficking. (Commerce, n.d.)
Legislations for Human Trafficking
A varied number of human trafficking laws have been made in several countries of the world, a detailed discussion on which is given below:
International laws have proven to be a dependable and worthy source to combat the problem of human trafficking. There have been a number of recent instruments of law that are quite reputed and regarded in the legal world. These institutions have set a direction for the actions to be taken from the identification to the prevention and the prosecution of human trafficking. These include some of the prominent and most effective organizations of the world such as the United Nations Convention which acts against Transnational Organized Crime. It further has two linked protocols, out of which the first one is the UN protocol to prevent, restrain and penalise human trafficking in persons. This is to especially deal with the cases of women and children. The second is the UN protocol of trafficking the migrants by the ways of sea, land or air. This came into action in the year 2003-2004.
These conventions have further been created by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, which have together sustained the influence of international law for human trafficking. UNODC again established United Nations Global Initiative in 2007 which is meant to act against human trafficking. (UN.GIFT)
(King, n.d.)
Sample Essay
Through this section, our service aims to detail an essay on human trafficking. This is especially helpful for college students to write their college assignments and presents a worthy example of how to write conclusion, introduction and body. The detailed points in this essay will help the students understand the structure of an academic essay and how they can easily write assignments for university.
Human Trafficking- an everlasting ordeal due to perpetual failing of the international laws
The world today is going through a very depressing state. The people of the world are fighting day and night to keep up with their living needs. Also, with the onset of Coronavirus in recent times, the problems have increased manifold. The people are struggling to maintain a smooth living for themselves and their families. Further, the shutting down of various businesses has even given a rise to levels of unemployment. This has further aggravated the problem of poverty and economic fluctuations in countries across the globe. These problematic situations have manipulated the number of human trafficking cases in the world. The people are getting trapped into the web of human traffickers much because of their needs and the promises these smart culprits make to keep their families financially stable. However, these promises are definitely not alluring, as they seem at the beginning of the process. There are some hard-hitting implications of human trafficking on the physical as well as the mental well-being of humans. Moreover, the failure of the governments in controlling the menace of human trafficking is a well-known fact everywhere around. This essay highlights the very fact and presents the supportive arguments for the same.
First of all, to describe human trafficking in detail, it has been observed as the act of movement of human resources across the borders for illegal acts. These include physical transportation of men, women, and children inside and outside the national borders for sexual exploitation, forced labor, and other forms of exploitation. Moreover, it has been recognized as a crime that is dangerous for both the country as well as its people. This crime stays unreported more because of the fact the income generated from this crime is huge and benefits the end customer to a great extent. It is a cycle, which keeps on adding more people to the network in spite of the dangers involved in the practice of trafficking. Adding on, international trafficking has been believed to generate leverages for the criminals, the chain makers, and the other parties. Along with the wealth generated from the crime, the criminals also gain much power from this unreligious act against humanity. This is how, with the constant growth in the chain and the network of human trafficking, its associates become more authoritative and control worthy of the process. It is the power of these criminal groups that lead to abduction and other forced acts. As per the scholar Andrea Marie Bertone, human trafficking has emerged as one of the main mediums for people to travel across borders. She identifies various types of trafficking. First is the large-scale network, which includes the involvement of political and economic contacts at the international level. Second is the medium scale, which targets trafficking women from one country to another. Now, the third kind according to Bertone is the small scale trafficking, which is identified as the direct relationship between a brothel owner and the contact, which can either be a woman or a man. (Bertone, n.d.)
Now, the very first reason to the higher numbers in human trafficking is the Globalisation. The shift and the spread of the western companies of the world across the developing nations of the globe have started to treat humans as commodities. The freeflow of human resources in and across the borders became all the easier with the ease in the regulations of international borders. This encouraged movement of humans across the borders has made human trafficking the second most profitable business in the world. (Yesak, n.d.) Moreover, this process happens willingly and unwillingly in various countries. Furthermore, the weaker nations tend to develop a stronger tendency to get trapped in the web of human trafficking. The luring opportunities and the chance to move outside the country further add to the number of human trafficking cases. According to the report presented by U.S. Trafficking in Persons, the market demand from male sex buyers has increased phenomenally. This multiplies the demand and develops stronger incentive deals for the traffickers, which gives them the reason to trap more innocent lives. This ultimately fuels the business of trafficking in persons.
Moving on, the economic disparity created by globalization comes out to be the second big reason for the increase in human trafficking cases. In a book called Inside the Business of Modern Slavery written by Siddhartha Kara, he states that sex trafficking has increased exponentially due to the economic discrepancies in the world. It also states that economic globalization has brought in more poverty to the poor nations because the richer nations extract money from the poor ones to become even richer. This very difficulty and the difference leaves not many growth opportunities for the poorer countries. They are ultimately left with the task of fulfilling the needs of the rich countries and obliging to their rules and demands. Further, with the increase in competition and humans being labeled as commodities, the transfer of humans by mode of transport has become quite a common practice. (Yesak, n.d.)
To talk about the laws, it is no denying the fact that the government has made laws for anti-trafficking to protect human beings. There have been innumerable laws that have been made for the eradication of human trafficking from society. This dates back to the efforts made by countries from a century. It is the conjoined efforts of the United Nations with other international labor organizations, which have laid many laws pertaining to the anti-trafficking of humans. First was formed in 1949, when United Nations agreed on a convention that talked about the suppression of human trafficking and the practice of prostitution among others. Further, in 1957, the International Labor Organization agreed upon Convention 105 which talked about the abolition of forced labor. Then came the most widely accepted and still authentic law of the United Nations Protocol. This was formed in the year 2000 and is accepted by all the international UN member states. This particular agreement helped the nations to form a detailed definition of human trafficking. It also motivated UN- member states to fight the root cause of human trafficking and pledge to eradicate the problem from everywhere around the world. It is because the United Nations was not able to keep a close watch on all the international and national activities of all the countries, that the UN gave each state the authority to keep a constant check on the unlawful activities happening in and around the state borders. (Yesak, n.d.)
As rightly pointed out by Cullen-DuPont, there have been laws and regulations made by the states but not much has been accomplished in terms of eradicating the unethical practices. There are multiple reasons adding to the increase in the problems that generally arise through fraudulent practices. Most of the people who are dragged into human trafficking are trapped by the wrong means. Fake promises, abduction, exorbitant travel, confiscation of visas or other important documents of the labor, threat to dignity or deportation, or even threat to the victim's family health and happiness are generally the methodologies used by the traffickers to conquer the right to human’s life. Furthermore, as per a study done by the political science scholars, Stephanie Hepburn and Rita Simon, Human trafficking has uniques environmental factors that foster its growth in different countries. They brought out this conclusion after they conducted an in-depth study on the environment and the factors leading to human trafficking in 25 nations of the globe. (Yesak, n.d.)
This concludes the fact that though, a number of laws have been formed for keeping a check on and eradication of human trafficking practices throughout the world. Still, there are major groups who are active and openly carrying out such defaming tasks on humanity. They are not only putting the other humans to shame but also question the laws of nature framed by God. These practices again stand unlawful and unacceptable in the eyes of every jurisdiction and the almighty. To help each and every individual stuck in the maze of human trafficking, there need to be stricter laws for the people working for the trafficking mafia and those who are a part of this gang. Moreover, the rich countries need to make sure that their citizens do not take undue advantage of cheap labor. In addition to this, the treatment of human beings as commodities or products in the market should be abolished and humans should be treated equally irrespective of their status and the country they belong to. In fact, the awareness against the illegal acts of forced labor and sexual exploitation in the underdeveloped developed as well as the developing nations is a must. Not only the sufferer but also the practitioner should be well aware of the legalities that he can be charged with if he misconducts or misuses the employment of his people.
No voice can be stopped in the age of social media. It is the very right of every individual to stand against human trafficking and the wrongs done to them. The modern world today needs to support every individual and their rights. This is how every single man on the earth can uphold the value of human dignity and the goodness that God has carved the human mind with.
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