The perfect guide to write an essay fast
Do you face issues in completing an academic essay on time? This can happen when you have tight deadlines to meet or you have issues understanding the assignment. Being a student can be tough at times with so much to do, isn’t it? But with a combination of hard work and smart work, you can overcome any challenge. Academic essays make a vital part of the education curriculum. Henceforth, you need pace as well as qualitative writing skills to write an impressive essay against the run of time. This comprehensive guide includes the best practices for finishing an essay in the stipulated time. We understand your ‘need for speed’ while writing your essays and accordingly we have compiled some brilliant essay writing strategies for you.
Is your deadline to submit the essay too close and you have not started yet? In such a scenario wherein you need to complete an essay fast, you can get your essay written by us. Our diverse team of expert academic writers holds knowledge pertaining to various fields of academics. Moreover, our writers can deliver all kinds of academic essays with great content quality and much before your deadline. In addition to that, you can avail instant assignment help from our website. We offer a wide range of high-quality academic services including coursework writing, thesis writing, dissertation writing as well as research papers.
12 Best Strategies to write a good essay fast
Here are some amazing strategies to help you write an academic essay in a swift and smooth way. Also, these tactics ensure that you maintain the merit of your essay while finishing it well before time. So, here we go towards a speedy journey of essay writing!

1. Let go of the stress
This is the first fundamental step towards writing your essay fast. Relax your mind first and liberate it from stress to be at the best of your productivity. If you are taking too much stress about the task, you may not achieve the intended quality of work. Every person has his own ways to deal with stressful situations. For some, music is a great stress buster, and for some motivational podcasts do the job of stress relievers. You would have surely identified your best stress-busters by now. Try to calm your mind for a few minutes before writing an essay in a way that suits you the best. Use your best available stress-relieving resource and then prepare your mind to begin an important task. To know more about stress management, you can read the guide on How to deal with stress for further understanding. What next after getting rid of your stress? Let us find out ahead!
3. Understand the assignment well
It is recommended to not begin the essay till you have understood the assignment thoroughly. It happens often that students don't understand the task at once and then keep looking for clues in the middle of the essay. This can lead to ample wastage of time as the essay gets disrupted every now and then and the flow of writing breaks. Unless assignments are not understood well, the achievement of tasks remains uncertain. What you can do is, you can spend the first five minutes to comprehend the assignment. This is going to give you an insight into the context and the various aspects of the topic. Especially in the case of argumentative essay writing it is very critical that you understand the purpose of the argument. Moreover, if you face any issues in understanding your assignment and if the teacher is not able to revert to your doubts, you can avail our premium assignment writing services. Get all your assignments and essays completed in premium quality and before the committed time.
5. Set a target time for your essay
Isn’t it fun to give yourself a time challenge and then win it? That is a different level of contentment altogether. So, try adding this little thrill to your task of essay writing. Challenge yourself against the run of time when you start your essay. You can do this simply by setting a target time for your essay and initiating the stopwatch when you begin. This goal-setting can do wonders to keep you motivated throughout the task to bring out the best productivity in you. Of course, motivation is of great significance in every task. As you can already see, there are multiple advantages of setting a time target. Now to understand how it works, let us take a small example. Let us say you are to write a 1000 word essay in 3 three hours’ time. Now, you ask yourself, “Can I write an essay in two hours?” Although the available time is three hours, you challenge yourself to complete it in two hours. Even if you take 2.5 hours to complete the essay, it is still a win for you in terms of time management.
7. Prepare an outline an paper
It is recommended that after you have understood the assignment topic, you make an outline of your essay. You can make a rough map of your ideas on a piece of paper. This ensures that your idea generation is done beforehand and the flow of your essay is going to be uninterrupted once it gets going. But if you begin your essay without a solid outline or plan, you will struggle for ideas throughout the essay. Not only will this annoy you but also cause unnecessary delays in the completion of the writing task. So, it is better to spend a few minutes deliberating on the outline of ideas for your essay. You can list out all the aspects and subheadings that you are going to include in your essay. Not only this improves the quality of the essay but also saves time as the flow remains smooth. Hence, you should make it a habit of preparing an outline of your essays before you work on the final draft.
9. Follow the right structure
As long as you follow the right structure for your essay and plan your argumentative essay accordingly, you are far more likely to complete your essay on time. Well structured and organized essays are high in quality and they impress the readers immensely. The appropriate structure of a good essay contains the following three sections
Body paragraphs
To begin with, the introduction paragraph gives an overview of your essay and explains what the readers can expect to find in the body paragraphs. For an argumentative essay, the introduction paragraph is of great significance as it forms the first impression of the essay. Furthermore, in this paragraph, you introduce the topic of the essay and the aspect related to the topic that your essay sheds light on. Also, it is noteworthy that you need to add a thesis statement in the introduction paragraph to give the readers clarity about your argumentative essay. Therefore, you need to write a thoughtful introduction to your essay in order to give it an impressive start.
Moving ahead, the body paragraphs talk about the central idea of the essay and introduce various aspects of the topic and its relevance with other spheres. It is important to note that the body paragraphs are the most important paragraphs of your essay. So, as suggested above, in the outline that you prepare for your essay, you should figure out the perspectives that you are going to add in the body paragraphs. It is recommended that you write three body paragraphs in your essay such that each paragraph talks about one idea. This way in your argumentative essay will have three well-explained points with relevant examples. Kindly note, adding different points within a single paragraph can confuse the readers and it does not allow you to explain each point in detail. So, three body paragraphs with one central idea each should be the usual approach for writing an essay.
At last, the conclusion provides closure to your essay and summarizes the central theme of your essay. The summary of your essay should give a firm assertion to your thesis statement and should confirm that you have explained all points talked about in the introduction paragraph. Moreover, it should substantiate the case for the notions and the dimensions you have talked about in the former paragraphs. You can always seek guidance for writing effective and stern conclusions. For that, you can refer to the guide on how to write an effective conclusion.
So, the bottom line is that if you create an outline of your essay beforehand keeping in mind the structural divisions, you can attain a smooth flow while writing. However, you should be quick with writing your introduction and conclusion paragraphs. The essay’s introduction and conclusion are only supportive paragraphs while the core ideas are contained by the body paragraphs. So, the purpose of the introduction paragraph is only to give an overview of the topic and then the thesis statement. There is no reason why you will complicate this paragraph and lose a lot of time here. Similarly, in the concluding paragraph, you should quickly reconfirm your assertions and opinions put forth in the essay.
2. Keep distractions at bay
Distractions, laziness, and dizziness can be major obstructions in the way of your essay. Do you know that the average time spent by American teenagers on screens is just a little over seven hours a day? Have you ever calculated the time you spend surfing on your smartphone? A lot maybe! Clearly, phones and other gadgets are major distractions for students that lead to heavy procrastination. But if you have to complete your essay in a fastidious manner, you need to manage your distractions well. It is totally possible that as soon as you start your essay, you receive a text on one of the social media applications. The very next moment you indulge in chatting for hours ignoring the essay completely. We need to avoid such circumstances that digress you from your task. So, you should put your phone on airplane mode or even better, put it in the next room. Also, when you start writing the essay on your laptop, close the social media tabs in case they are open. To write an essay fast you need to quickly eliminate all digressions and quickly get going with the task. Remember, slow and steady no longer wins the race! To get more insight into working around your distractions, you can go through a wonderful guide on how to avoid distractions by famous author Nir Eyal.
4. Research extensively before you begin
Once you have begun your essay, you do not want to switch randomly between your essay and the tabs on your browser. So, it is suggested that you do most of your research prior to beginning your essay so that you do not lose time switching between tabs. Also, you should research in an effective way and prefer credible sources to cite information. In fact, you have to be smart with your research as researching without clarity can lead to wastage of time. So, your efficiency to write an essay fast has a lot to do with your efficacy to research in a prudent way. Hence, you should know some credible sources or sites beforehand and you can bookmark them to save time.
6. Curate a conducive environment
It is very crucial to set a positive and conducive environment around yourself when you take up an important task. Besides, the surroundings should not be full of distractions or too much noise such that you face concentration issues in the midst of your essay. Therefore, you need to be in a calm and peaceful environment to deliver a highly impressive essay before the deadline. The best idea is to go to a library to write your essay or the study room in your house. Such an environment will give you the perfect momentum in your writing hence resulting in timely completion of your essay. In fact, to set the environment right for your academic writings, you can choose from a wide variety of ambient apps. These are apps that deliver white noise or low ambient noise that can enhance focus and productivity. The best part is, these apps can also help you tackle the habit of checking your phone regularly and hence wasting time. Coffitivity and Study Ambience are among the two most commonly used apps for creating a conducive study environment. After you have got everything in your mind ready to be at your productive best, you are all set to begin your essay. Where do you begin from but? Well, the answer lies in the next step for writing an essay fast.
8. Prioritize quality over quantity
Students often have the temptation to write extensive and long essays thinking they score well. However, you need to focus more on the quality of your essay than the length of your essay. For instance, it is quite possible that the quality of an essay containing 3000 words is much better than an essay with 7000 words. You need to be a good critical thinker while writing your essay and not overdo your essay just to make it lengthy. Doing so can drop the quality of your essay and can also consume a lot of time. You can rather save on this time and spend it to proofread your essay. A detailed guide on how to think critically can help you out at this stage.
Assignments usually come with a minimum word count and you should keep it close to that limit. Exceeding it too much may not fetch you extra grades but can definitely cost you time and negative marking. The next step is to focus on the structure of your essay. Let us see how to get the structure right.
10. Proofread your essay
This is a vital step after the completion of your essay. If you proofread your essay well by spending 5 minutes on it, you can save the time that you will later waste on editing errors. Some students tend to find proofreading monotonous but editing the essay later can be greater stress. Also, you should plan your time in a way that you are left with time for proofreading. Even the most proficient people are likely to make mistakes in the flow of the essay. So, it is always better to plug these mistakes and rectify them before the essay comes back to you for correction. This can delay the final submission of your essay and of course, errors can be embarrassing. To make proofreading easier for you, you can use proofreading applications or websites like Grammarly. Grammarly is a fast and inexpensive way of correcting grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
11. Edit your essay fast
The best and the fastest way to edit your essay is to seek feedback from your friends or family. Besides, make sure that there is coherence between sentences and paragraphs. Also, similar ideas and information should be together and linked well to each other. Experts suggest that while editing your essay, you should read it aloud and carefully. This can give you an insight into the flow of your essay and give you an idea of the impression that it is going to create on the readers. So, all these techniques can help you to edit your essay quickly without wasting much time.
12. Submit your essay after all checks
Finally, when you are confident that you have proofread and edited your essay nicely, only then submit it. If your teacher sends back the essay to you for corrections later, that means you are going to miss out on the deadline. So, you should leave no loose ends in your essay and should not submit it in haste just to submit it for the sake of it. Even if it takes five to ten minutes extra, ensure the quality of your content and the fact that it is free from any errors. Sometimes you need to send an email to your professor regarding your essay and we have a “how to write an email to professor guide” to help you to do that right.
Now when you have understood the steps pertaining to writing an essay fast, you can go through the wide range of our sample essays. Our essays include a wide array of topics spanning across different areas and subjects. Besides, our argumentative essays give you a clear idea of how you should structure your argumentative essays to score good grades. Apart from that, for any other help that you may need with your assignments, you can get in touch with Assignmenthelp4me.
To wrap up, writing an essay is no cake walk especially when you are writing on complex topics. Therefore, it is vital to have a full-proof plan in place before you begin with your essay. There are several tips that you can consider before starting your essay so that you can write fast. In this direction, it is important that you build your concentration by negating all the possible distractions. Besides, to finish an essay quickly it is critical that you research with good critical thinking skills. If you spend a lot of time researching, you may lose momentum and also a lot of time. So, your planning and your research should be sufficient and smart so that you can complete an essay fast. Lastly, you need to follow the right structure for your essay and also edit your work without consuming much time.