An essay on Gay marriages and the difference in perspectives
Although the world has come a long way on the path of ultra-modernization, some stereotypes and taboos still stall the world’s progress. Speaking of progress, it is not an idea limited to infrastructure or living standards that people endorse these days. The real virtues of prosperity need to be inculcated into people’s mindsets so that they can look beyond differences. In fact, co-existence is one of the most paramount attributes of humanity. However, humans only have themselves to blame for threatening the abstracts of humanity and happiness time and again with redundant and cliched taboos. One such taboo that the world does not seem to get over is that against homosexuality. The decriminalization of homosexuality is still a surreal idea for many nations as it is seen as a disgrace to orthodox traditions of various religions and communities.

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Moving further, even in the most advanced countries of this globalized world, homosexuals often face abuse, violence, and discrimination. Though love has become a liberating thought in the contemporary world and even if people are more emancipated than ever to choose their life partners, gay marriages are still denounced and ridiculed in many parts of the world. What is astonishing is the fact that not only are gay marriages forbidden in some nations but homosexuality is also considered as being illegal. At least 72 jurisdictions across the globe have laws that criminalize consensual same-sex sexual activities or homosexual activities carried out in private. What is more shocking is the fact that as many as 11 jurisdictions even go on to reward capital punishment for homosexual activities. ("Map of Countries that Criminalise LGBT People | Human Dignity Trust", 2021) Such grim realities make the ideals of an inclusive, plural, and peaceful world seem a blurred and far distant dream. This thoughtful essay sheds light on the definition of gay marriages, the timeline of the evolution of the concept, and arguments both in favor and against gay marriages. Consequently, the essay underlines some imperative open-ended questions for the readers to answer. To begin with, the subsequent section puts forth an intellectual definition of gay marriages.
Definition of Gay Marriage
Gay marriage can be simply understood as an act of two people of the same sex getting married to each other. It may be a case of a man marrying a man or a woman tying the lifetime knot with another woman. It is noteworthy that although the common perception about the term ‘gay’ is synonymous with the idea of a man having a sexual orientation towards men, gay marriages take into account both gays and lesbians. Precisely, gay marriage is a wider term that is representative of weddings between two people of the same gender. It will not be wrong to say that the world has come a long way to have a larger acceptance of gay marriages and today, the debates around homosexuality have more impetus than ever before. However, the developing, underdeveloped and Islamic nations are still staunchly opposed to the idea of gay marriages. While the more progressive nations are validating gay marriages and giving them legal recognition, the orthodox nations have barbaric laws against homosexuality.
Interestingly, Taiwan became the first nation in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage when by incorporating legal changes in May 2019. Besides, Austria, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Thailand are a few nations that decriminalized same-sex marriages over the last two years. This substantiates the fact that the wave of liberty and empowerment in the modern world is driving positive changes in every sphere. However, the road to ending all bias against homosexuality is still long given the massive reluctance that some nations have to legalize gay marriages. The discrimination backed by the barbaric laws against gay marriages in some nations challenges the ideals of equality, human dignity, and the thought of pursuing love without fear. Ideally, the world should be free from all forms of discrimination including those which happen on the basis of sexual orientation. The ultimate duty of humans is to play their part in creating a more inclusive and diversified world where everyone is treated equally.
To continue, before moving to the multifarious assertions that support the thought of decriminalizing gay marriages, this essay will highlight some key points pertaining to the history of the concept of gay marriages.

History of Gay Marriages
The notion of gay marriages may have become popular only in the last ten years or so but the struggle to win legal status for them began in the 1960s. The first major uprising that led to the demand for the legalization of same-sex marriage started from a gay bar in Greenwich, New York. On June 28, 1969, the New York Police Department raided the Stonewell Inn club and mishandled the patrons and staff of the bar. This led to violent riots between the residents of Greenwich and the bar patrons. The protests and aggressive assaults went on for 6 days and marked the first predominant event that paved way for the social movement to legalize same-sex marriages. Interestingly, this small localized event in the US became the stimulant for the gay rights movement not only in the US but the entire world. Frequent raids at gay bars by New York police were a common phenomenon in the 1960s hence triggering resentment among people. Because same-sex relationships were not allowed under law, the gays and lesbians in the US felt safe at the gay bars where they could articulate themselves without having to worry about the surroundings and people. But even in these bars, they were hounded and harassed by the police personnel during surprise raids. In this way, the events of that decade catapulted the launch of a massive gay rights revolution that initiated from Stonewell Inn. The Stonewell incident in itself was not the first cog in the wheel of homosexual rights but it certainly acted as the galvanizing forces for the movements that began later.
Probing further, though the movements for legalizing gay marriages began in the streets of the US, Denmark became the first country to grant equal rights to same-sex unions in 1989 according to The Washington Post. One thing that is worth taking into consideration here is that the law passed by Denmark was restricted to same-sex unions and did not include the provision for same-sex marriages. The first nation that actually granted legal recognition to same-sex marriages was the Netherlands in 2000. 15 years later in 2015, the United States became the 17th country to grant legal validation to same-sex marriages under the leadership of Barack Obama. The road to attaining legal validation for same-sex marriages in the United States has been long and marked with a lot of humps. For the first time, the demand for the legalization of gay marriages in the US became a national issue in the year 1993. The Hawaii state’s Supreme Court in 1993 proclaimed that the legal prohibition of gay marriages at that time was against constitutional interests. The court remarked that the existing legislation was unconstitutional unless states had vested interests in inflicting discriminatory practices against homosexual couples.
Following the above ruling of the Hawaii Supreme Court, the matter was sent back to a subordinate court for further deliberation. The popularity of the issue along with the opinion of the court sparked a widespread backlash that expanded to all parts of the nation soon. In the years that followed, more than 40 states in the United States passed the Defence of Marriage Acts (DOMA). To explain, the DOMA legislation defines marriage as a sacred institution solely between a man and woman while ruling out the solicitation of same-sex marriages. Further dashing the hopes of American gays, the US Congress in 1996 passed a federal DOMA that was signed by the then US President Bill Clinton. States feared that in the absence of a constitutional definition of marriage describing marriage as only a union between a man and woman, judges would enjoy the power to interpret the meaning of marriage and rule in favor of same-sex unions. Having said that, states and conservative US Congressman took aggressive steps to lay down all sorts of preventive measures against the solicitation of gay marriages.
However, despite relentless efforts to suppress the emancipation of gays and lesbians, the 1999 ruling of the Vermont Supreme Court brought a considerable victory. The Vermont Supreme Court ruled that homosexuals were entitled to all the privileges and safeguards related to the institution of marriage. The implementation of granting these rights to gays and lesbians were however left for the state legislatures to manage. Following this in 2003, the apex court in Massachusetts proclaimed that the constitution of the state has provisions to grant solicitation to weddings between people of the same sex. Following this verdict, a few cities including San Francisco and Portland began issuing marriage licenses to homosexual couples. Subsequently, in 2006, the US Congress’ lawmakers of conservative ideologies attempted to amend the constitution to add provisions that would have made same-sex marriages illegal. However, the US Congress failed to garner the prerequisite two-thirds majority in both houses. So, the struggle for gay and lesbians couples continued over the years till 2015 when the US finally got rid of all legislations that threatened the abstract of gay marriages. Before that, for many years, Massachusetts remained the only state in the US to grant legal recognition for marriages between people of the same sex. (An Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate, 2021)
Arguments - For and Against Gay Marriage
Given the fact that a modern superpower like the United States took so many years to recognize LGBT rights, there is little hope that orthodox Islamic nations and developing nations reluctant to social reforms will accept same-sex relationships any soon. However, one thing that humanity has always been consistent with is hope and the persistence to keep striving for bringing positive changes. Together humans have defeated a countless number of stereotypes that once defined the ways of the world and homosexuality is no exception. By creating the right awareness and putting forth valid arguments in favor of the legalization of same-gender marriages the universal legalization of gay marriages can be won. Consequently, the following section highlights some factual and practical arguments to support the idea of making gay marriages legal all across the globe.
Arguments in favor of legalization of gay marriages

1. Right to equality
The most basic and fundamental assertion to back the claim of solicitation of gay marriages is that every human being is entitled to equality. National, as well as international laws, argue that no human being should be subjected to any form of discrimination on the basis of gender, sexuality, or race. Given that, everyone should have fair and equal treatment before the law and also in terms of social liberty and economic prosperity. In fact, this is the true essence of the American Dream that was envisaged with the view that people should be liberated and empowered to choose their own path to happiness and prosperity. Therefore, the notion of equality that is vibrantly celebrated in various parts of the world should be inclusive and true in every sense. It should also have space to accommodate the equal rights of gay couples to choose their life partners on their own and to marry on will. Based on this idea, in 2018, the European Court of Justice mandated all European Union states to recognize the institution of marriage between individuals of the same sex. The court further ruled that gay couples need to be granted the same residency rights that other couples are entitled to. This decision by the EU’s pinnacle court was hailed as a landmark victory for all proponents of gay rights. (Heijmans, 2021)
2. Safeguarding the right to choose
In every part of the world, consenting adults are free to conduct their lives in the way they find appropriate and meaningful. Hence, any law that interferes with the free will of adults to conduct their personal lives or to choose their life partners should be seen as a serious human rights violation. Love, relationships, and marriage are matters of personal choice and the state should not enjoy the right to intrude into the personal space of human beings. Every individual has the right to choose the course of his personal life which should not ideally be deterred by discriminatory laws. This right to choose should hence be extended to LGBT couples as well and they should have nothing to fear about the way in which they want to pursue their life within the closed doors of their abodes. To substantiate, Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that no individual should be subjected to interference in his family, home, privacy, and correspondence. Also, Article 3 of the UDHR calls for the protection of every individual’s right to liberty of life. (Nations, 2021)
3. Social and Economic empowerment of homosexuals
When nations will give legal acceptance to gay marriages, it will also contribute to giving homosexuals the social and economic status they rightly deserve. The legal acceptance of their sexuality will further drive their social and economic emancipation. It is a proven fact that in nations that are opposed to LGBT rights, gays and lesbians face dreadful abuse, youth violence, and bigotry. As cited by Statista, homosexuals in the US commonly face violence in homes, highways, schools, offices as well as public buildings. Despite the fact that the US has now legalized gay marriages, lesbians, and gays fall victim to incidents of violence daily. Given this, the amount of torture that homosexuals might be vulnerable to in conservative nations that still have barbaric laws against gay marriages is unimaginable. But when countries take progressive steps to legally recognize the rights of the LGBT community, gays and lesbians in these nations will feel safer and will finally enjoy the dignity of life that they deserve as much as others.
4. Financial gains to the government authorities
Another valid argument in favor of legalizing gay marriages is the revenue that the state and federal governments will earn from granting licenses to gay marriages. To explain, in 2012, the mayor of New York announced that the city’s economy gained USD 259 million within one year of legalizing the practice of gay marriages. Henceforth, when legal deterrents to the existence of homosexuality will be done away with, people will come out of the nutshell and own up to their sexual orientation. Having done that, they will marry under the right guidelines while following state procedures and contribute to the economic welfare of the state. It would not be wrong to say hence that the legalization of gay marriages will not only benefit the individuals but also the state and federal budgets. (Gay Marriage - Pros & Cons - ProCon.org, 2021)
5. Traditional misconceptions around the concept of marriage
Traditionally, marriages have always been seen as a means of giving birth to offsprings and facilitating the existence of the human race. However, in the present scenario driven by modern virtues, marriages are no longer limited to the idea of procreation. Nowadays even many heterosexual couples choose to have no child or there are cases where a couple cannot have a child due to infertility problems. Given that, if procreation is the only valid argument against the legalization of homosexual marriages, the marriages of couples not wanting or not being able to have a child should also be declared null and void. For this is never going to become a functional reality and rightly so, even gay marriages should be recognized by constitutional and judicial frameworks.
Next, having analyzed the intellectual arguments that succor the idea of granting legal validation to gay marriages, the common counterarguments cannot be snubbed as well. The subsequent section highlights the common perspectives propagated by the proponents of discrediting gay marriages and denouncing LGBT rights.
Arguments against the legalization of gay marriages
1. Perceived as unnatural
Traditionally, historically and apropos to many religions of the world, homosexuality is regarded as an unnatural act or rather sinful. The orthodox belief that marriage is an institution to exist only between a man and a woman is still upheld in many countries. Besides, it is believed by many that the sacredness of marriage should be preserved by not letting the core values of marriage be diminished by the notion of gay marriages. Another perception that people have is that most religions cite homosexuality as being problematic. One such region of the world that is strongly opposed to gay marriages on religious lines in Africa. It is noteworthy that 32 out of the 72 nations that have stringent laws against homosexuality are African nations. Africa is considered to be one of the most religious regions of the world which is home to majorly Christians and Muslims. Islamic and Catholic leaders and preachers are often seen denouncing the idea of gay sex and marriages in the strongest words. (www.dw.com), 2021)
2. Debate over procreation
Another firm and indefensible argument opposed to homosexuality is the absence of possibilities of giving birth to offsprings. The orthodox belief is that a man will marry a woman and give birth to offsprings to keep mankind going. However, the concept of gay marriage raises serious concerns over one of the paramount purposes of human life and marriage. With the increasing prevalence of gay marriages and homosexual relationships, the continuity of mankind will find itself reeling under doubt. Based on these considerations, conservatives opine that gay marriages sabotage the real and important purpose of marriage.
3. Recognized as disorders
In many parts of the world, especially in religiously orthodox nations, homosexuality is not accepted as a valid reality. In fact, in these parts of the world, homosexuality and related sexual orientations are considered mental or genetic disorders. To cite an example, in a recent verdict of a Chinese Court in March this year, the court ruled that homosexuality can be rightly referred to as a psychological disorder. This verdict came in response to a petition filed by an LGBT community in China against the description of homosexuality as a mental health disorder in one of the popular textbooks. ("Chinese court ruled textbook can call homosexuality a mental disorder", 2021)
4. Vulnerability in children
There is empirical evidence that suggests that children raised by homosexual parents are highly prone to sexual or gender disorders. At the onset, it may seem like a vague argument but it has scientific backing to supplement the claim. Studies carried out by Judith Stacey, a renowned sociologist inferred that children raised by lesbian mothers have higher chances of witnessing homoerotic attractions and are likely to engage in homoerotic relationships. In a lot of ways, homoeroticism is similar to homosexuality. The only underlying difference is that homoeroticism is more temporary in nature and is often defined as a temporary sexual desire. (Council, 2021)
5. Children need biological fathers and mothers
The normalization of same-sex civil marriages will deprive children of their biological fathers or mothers. To explain, in same-sex relationships, children would either be adopted, conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF), or surrogacy. In any of these cases, children will grow up seeking answers to questions like, “why did their father leave them” or “did their mother, not like them?” In such scenarios, such children will grow up with mental anxieties and prolonged stress that will impact their cognitive growth and mental development. They would crave to meet both of their biological parents which will not be feasible when they are raised by same-sex couples. In a male homosexual relationship, a child would crave the love of his mother while in a lesbian relationship, the child will yearn for fatherly affection. Given that, it will be unfair to children being raised in same-sex civil marriages and it can make them prone to multifarious mental disorders as they would have questions no one would have the answers to.
Having compared both upsides and downsides of legalizing same-sex marriages, one can come to a thoughtful conclusion of the issue at hand. There are open-ended questions to be answered for humanity. These questions can be best answered with information, reasoning, and awareness. The fact that love knows no norms and protocols cannot be denied and if consenting adults have the right to choose heterosexual relationships as they please, the scenario should not be different for homosexual relationships as well. At the same time, one cannot overlook the fact that the ways of the world are accustomed to the idea that marriage is a sacrosanct institution between a male and a female. Besides, for the right grooming and moral conditioning of the child, both father and mother are needed to play their respective roles.
The debate is never-ending, the arguments and counterarguments can go on forever. The real question is, will communities leave behind their staunch religious and traditional beliefs to normalize this change. Is the world ready by all means to witness this paradigm shift in the way marriages are perceived and families are built? At last, even if legal validation is granted to homosexual relationships, will civil societies accept these relationships and give them the respect they rightly deserve?
Even beyond the debate on the legalization of same-sex marriages, there are many questions to be answered. But the traces of change have begun already and as mentioned above, a lot of nations have already made way for the solicitation of gay marriages and granting equal rights to homosexual married couples. In the upcoming section, the countries that have already legalized same-sex marriage have been listed.
List of countries to have legalized gay marriages
As stated above, the Netherlands was the first-ever nation in the globalized era to have legalized gay marriages in 2000. In the next year, four homosexual couples got married in what is famously called the first same-sex marriage in the world. Subsequently, in 2003, Belgium granted legal recognition to same-sex marriages much to the joy of homosexuals in the nation. Besides, in 2006, Belgium also extended adoption rights to same-sex couples. Moreover, taking inspiration from Belgium and the Netherlands, Canada also granted legal acceptance to same-sex marriages in the year 2005. Canada amended its orthodox civil definition of the institution of marriage to include same-sex marriages. ("Gay Marriage Around the World", 2021) In the same year, Spain too made way for legal provisions to give equal rights to gay marriages.
Moving further, in 2006, South Africa although a part of the much orthodox African continent, legalized same-sex marriages. Despite that, the traditional Zulu Monarch, the one who leads the Zulu community accounting for one-fifth of the country’s population continues to assert that homosexuality is morally incorrect. To continue, in 2008, Norway passed a new law to overhaul the old law permitting civil unions so as to give recognition to same-sex marriages. A year later, with an overwhelming majority, the Swedish parliament passed a progressive law to legalize gay marriages. To add, in 2010, Iceland, Portugal, and Argentina joined the league of nations where same-sex marriages are permitted under the law.
Discussing the timeline further, in 2012, Denmark passed the bill legalizing same-sex marriages after Queen Margrethe II approved the bill. In the following year, Uruguay, Newzealand, France, England, and Wales, and Brazil legalized gay marriages hence marking a year of significant victories for LGBT rights across the globe. Then, in 2014, Scotland and Luxembourg passed legislatures to legalize marriages between individuals of the same sex. Besides, 2015 again proved to be a great year for LGBT rights as the US, Ireland, Greenland, and Finland, added their names to the illustrious list of progressive nations to have legalized same-sex marriages. Furthermore, in 2017, Australia, Germany, and Malta went on to frame legal changes to grant lawful recognition to gay marriages. In the next three years, Austria, Ecuador, Taiwan, and Costa Rica legalized gay marriages to grant equal and representative rights to homosexual couples.
Sample Essay on gay marriages
The subsequent section includes a sample essay on homosexuality that may be used for reference if you get an essay on a similar topic to write for your academic assignments. Besides, you can also go through our elaborative collection of sample essays on the most significant academic topics. In addition, if you have any other academic requirements or if you are worried about approaching assignment deadlines, you can avail our premium assignment writing services that come with commitment and assurance of quality. We are a globally recognized assignment help portal that is known for its professionalism and diligence.
Same-sex marriages: The new normal the world should welcome
Homosexuality is a popular term today and given the progressive ways of the world and the increasing awareness among people, the demand for LGBT rights is stronger than ever before. In today’s contemporary era driven by the internet, the fascinating advantages of social media have enabled people to learn about the discrimination and abuse homosexuals are subjected to. Hence, this increasing awareness among people and the consequent empathy has made the social movement for gay rights and the legalization of same-sex marriages emphatic and inspiring. What further facilitates the movement is the fact that many nations have come out of traditional jargon and have granted legal validation to gay marriages. These nations include the US, the UK, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Taiwan, and the Netherlands that of course was the first nation to legalize gay marriages. However, the issue is, the number of nations that have legalized same-sex marriages is few. On the other hand, around 70 countries in this ultra-modern epoch continue to have laws in place that criminalize homosexual unions and activities. These nations have developed state-of-the-art nuclear arsenals but have not been able to develop the right understanding of simple terms like equality and fair treatment. They continue to snub the international obligations to treat all humans equally irrespective of sex, sexuality, religion, and other differentiating parameters. The world cannot however resist the much-needed changes for long especially those driven by love. It is time that the world in its entirety looks at gay marriages as a positive change and leaves behind the reluctance to accept this trend as the new normal. This essay sheds light on the most intellectual and practical arguments in favor of legalizing same-sex marriages. The essay discusses why the world should accept same-sex relationships with an overwhelming response.
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The first argument in favor of granting every form of acceptance be it legal or social is more philosophical in nature. Speaking of love, it does not discriminate between genders, class, race, and financial status. Love is like poetry that flows without caring for any norms, customs, predefined regulations, or compulsions. As described by Dr. Rachel Needle, a licensed psychologist, the feeling of falling in love is a culmination of experiences that include increased energy, diminishing mental focus, a gush of positive feelings, and a racing heartbeat. ("The Psychology Behind Love and Romance", 2021) Therefore, even in psychological terms, love is defined as a feeling of purity that does not fathom any restrictions. It is ironic that despite the fact that love is a widely celebrated idea in all parts of the world, love between people of the same gender is considered to be obnoxious. In the swiftly changing ways of the world, people have rightly assumed the privilege to define their life in own terms and choose their life partners on their own. Yet in some parts of the world, those who wish to spend the rest of their lives with a person of the same sex after marriage are called lunatics. No fingers are pointed when people choose their own life partners in heterosexual relationships but the thought of homosexuality is often entertained with sarcasm, demeaning behaviors, and ridicule. But the fundamental question that the faultfinders of homosexuality ought to be asked is, how is one form of love acceptable and the other is called sinful? Who defined that the feelings of romance can exclusively exist between individuals belonging to the opposite gender? Either all forms of love should be acceptable to the world or none. For the world cannot escape the charm and conviction of love, the world should open its heart to same-sex relationships as well for they are innocuous to global cultural heritage.
Moving ahead, the next argument that supports the idea of the legalization of gay marriages is based on the imperative virtue of equality. Irrespective of nationalities and religions, every individual is entitled to equality and fair treatment. Further, this principle of equality includes equality before the law, equality in social status, equality in economic opportunities, and equality in protection against social evils and discriminatory practices. Till the time all nations do not give legal immunity to homosexuals by legalizing their civil unions, gays and lesbians will remain vulnerable to bias, torture, hate crimes, and abuse. To substantiate, in the United Kingdom alone between 2018 and 2019, around 14500 hate crimes were based on the sexual orientation of the victims were reported. ("UK LGBT Hate Crimes Stats Make Shocking Reading", 2021) These staggering figures of hate crimes against gays and lesbians come from a nation that had already passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriages in 2013. The extent to which the equality and safety of homosexuals are compromised in nations where homosexual unions are illegal is beyond imagination. Just like heterosexual couples enjoy the right to marry, adopt and begin a family, homosexual couples too should be allowed the same keeping in view the simple idea of equality that is not at all hard to decipher. Once countries grant legal validation to homosexual weddings, gays and lesbians will be able to come out of the closet and claim their social dignity that they are worthy of. Besides, when the laws of a given country will decriminalize homosexuality and make provisions for same-sex marriages, the instances of crimes and ill-treatment against homosexuals could be curtailed. It is completely unfair, unethical, and irrational to tag someone as a criminal for his or her sexual orientation under draconian laws that criminalize homosexuality.
In addition to the above, the legalization of same-sex marriages will also lead to the economic upliftment of homosexuals. Granting legal validation to same-sex marriages will be a progressive step forward to give societal acceptance to people of all sexual orientations. It is a proven fact that people from the LGBT community are more likely to be battling with impoverished conditions than others due to lack of work opportunities and inferior levels of education. To cite an example, as per a report by William Institute, UCLA, in the US, 22% of people from the LGBT community dwell in poverty while the proportion of cisgender straight people living in poverty is 16%. This discrepancy is evident of the fact that homosexuals have limited or no opportunities of economic opportunities which again is a violation of their human rights. Thus, when nations cease to treat homosexuals as second-class citizens and grant them the right to marry, social and economic upliftment will be more feasible for them. To add, the legalization of same-sex marriages can also play a role in adding more value to the institution of marriage and bringing down the divorce rates. Contrary to the orthodox belief that same-sex unions demean the idea of marriage, the legalization of homosexual marriages can make weddings sustainable. To explain, in the absence of legal validation for homosexuality, most people will end up marrying against their wish to please society or to maintain their disguise. However, the longevity of such marriages will always remain fragile and it will only add to the hike in divorce rates. Instead, people should be liberated to marry who they want so that they have a fair chance to make a marriage work.
On the other hand, the supporters of hard-core education and higher standards of achievement believe that making students study hard right from the beginning prepares them for a bright career. They argue that if students don’t adapt to studying hard right from the beginning, they cannot meet the academic requirements in higher grades. These people also emphasize that hard-core education helps students turn into hard-working and disciplined adults. Moreover, they also believe that studying hard concepts during the formative years helps kids turn into smarter adults. There is no proof whether such claims are true or not. But, these people certainly consider professional development to be more important than a person’s emotional and mental growth and well-being.
To conclude, the future of the world depends on inclusion and the celebration of diversity. Diversity is the greatest outcome of globalization and the world needs to make collective efforts to preserve it. This diversity exists in the form and languages, sexual orientations, thoughts, ideas, races, and so on. The world should come together to make a more cordial, diverse, and inclusive place for all sans any form of discrimination. Hence, it is high time that the world puts an end to all obstacles to homosexuality and same-sex marriages. Everyone irrespective of his or her sexual orientation is entitled to equality that humanity grants them, the constitution of their respective countries grants them and international humanitarian obligations grant them. All nations should now take progressive steps to legalize gay marriages and let love prevail for love comes in various forms and is harmless.
This amazing guide on how to write an effective conclusion will give you an insight into writing an attractive closure for your academic essays. The concluding paragraph is a significant part of the essay for it sums up the correlation between different ideas presented in the essay. Needless to say, the information contained in this guide will be of great help to you.
To summarize, there are strong and reasonable arguments both for and against the legalization of gay marriages. The strongest argument in favor of rewarding legal empowerment to homosexuals is based on equality while the strongest opposition is based on the presumption that same-sex relationships may jeopardize the meaning and purpose of marriage. Despite the strong resentments to the notion of celebrating homosexuality, many nations have taken bold and reformist steps to legalize gay marriages. Also, many nations are expected to follow the league in the years to come. Given the pace at which the world has accelerated past every taboo, the future for gay marriages in unfavorable terrains seems full of hope.
Suggested Further Readings
- Essay on youth World War 1: https://assignmenthelp4me.com/essay/complete-chronicle-on-the-first-world-war.html
- French revolution essay: https://assignmenthelp4me.com/essay/explicit-essay-on-the-french-revolution.html
- Essay on Gun control in America: https://assignmenthelp4me.com/essay/gun-control-in-america.html
Map of Countries that Criminalise LGBT People | Human Dignity Trust. (2021). Retrieved 15 March 2021, from https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/map-of-criminalisation/
Pew Research Center. 2021. An Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate. [online] Available at: https://www.pewresearch.org/2008/04/01/an-overview-of-the-samesex-marriage-debate [Accessed 17 March 2021].
Heijmans, P., 2021. EU’s top court backs same-sex marriage. [online] Aljazeera.com. Available at: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/6/6/eus-top-court-backs-same-sex-marriage [Accessed 17 March 2021].
Nations, U., 2021. Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations. [online] United Nations. Available at: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights [Accessed 17 March 2021].
Gay Marriage. 2021. Gay Marriage - Pros & Cons - ProCon.org. [online] Available at: https://gaymarriage.procon.org [Accessed 17 March 2021].
(www.dw.com), D. (2021). Why is homosexuality still taboo in many African countries? | DW | 04.12.2019. Retrieved 17 March 2021, from https://www.dw.com/en/why-is-homosexuality-still-taboo-in-many-african-countries/a-51528737
Chinese court ruled textbook can call homosexuality a mental disorder. (2021). Retrieved 17 March 2021, from https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/gender-diversity/article/3123549/homosexuality-can-be-called-mental-disorder
Council, F. (2021). Ten Arguments From Social Science Against Same-Sex Marriage. Retrieved 18 March 2021, from https://www.frc.org/issuebrief/ten-arguments-from-social-science-against-same-sex-marriage
Gay Marriage Around the World. (2021). Retrieved 18 March 2021, from https://www.pewforum.org/fact-sheet/gay-marriage-around-the-world/
The Psychology Behind Love and Romance. (2021). Retrieved 18 March 2021, from https://www.southuniversity.edu/news-and-blogs/2016/08/the-psychology-behind-love-and-romance-70700
UK LGBT Hate Crimes Stats Make Shocking Reading. (2021). Retrieved 18 March 2021, from https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/10/23/uk-lgbt-hate-crimes-stats-make-shocking-reading#